FUMUKU International
Out of Character Information

Steam Name:[FL:RP] Voluptious

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:41674539

Your Age: 16

Hours on server: 382

RP Events you have been in: 1

RP Point Amount: 3

Ban History on Fearless RP:


In Character Information:

Division you are applying for: Medical division - Medic


Full Name: Miles "Vol" Whatson

All Nicknames: Vol, Miles

Age: 30

Date of Application: 02.11.14


Date of birth: / 27.09.1984 /

Gender: M

Place of Birth: Oslo, Norway

Telephone Number:n/a


Driver's License Number:749207


Current Residence (Complete in Full)

Address: Evocity road, 1C

Zip code: 3829


Previous Residence (Complete in Full)

Address: Abbediengveien 49, Oslo

Zip code: 4924



Why are you applying?
I am applying because i have always liked the medical field and have great passion in my work

What is your background in the field you are applying for?
I have graduated paramedic/field medic university in Oslo with a PhD and have worked as a paramedic in Oslo and Evocity for 10 years combined, i want more experience and challenge so i am looking for more work to do

Why should we pick you for FUMUKU?
I have worked as a paramedic for a long time and feel my knowledge and experience could increase the reputation of your medical team

What will you offer FUMUKU?
I will offer my experience and knowledge in the field and help your medic team.

Character Bio:
I grew up in a little town in Norway just outside Oslo. My father is a surgeon in Oslo and my mother works as a chef for a big name hotel. From what i was told i was very interested in biology from a young age and was eager to learn about the body and how to treat it. When i turned 16 i joined the local red cross volunteer group and have helped people in need ever since. I took my PhD and started to work for Oslo University hospital as a rapid response paramedic.

After working in Oslo for 5 years i was moved to another hospital further north because the last rapid response paramedic had gone missing and they needed a replacement, there i got alot of experience working under pressure. Since then multiple paramedics have been employed and i decided to move to Evocity for private reasons

In Evocity i discovered that the other paramedics in the county were all fresh out of medical school and didnt have any experience of note. I offered my help and the president gladly accepted saying the city would benefit greatly having such a experienced paramedic on the team. After working in Evocity for 3 years i decided i wanted more experience and knowledge so i started looking around for a known, good, place where i could use my experience
[Image: FpROeEz.png]
Barkles is attempting to sleep : )
The following 3 users Like Voluptious's post:
  • Nevy, Waterloo, Suarez
Out of Character Information

Steam Name: Doctor_Rumelé
Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:29991313
Your Age: 24
Hours on server:510
RP Events you have been in: None
RP Point Amount: None
Ban History on Fearless RP: 1 ban. Reason Team killing - Long time ago, me and my IRL buddy was high and stupid, messed around and shot each other.
In Character Information: 
Division you are applying for: Agriculture Research Division. 
Full Name: Rumle Mojo
All Nicknames: Doctor - Rumle - Mojo
Age: 24
Date of Application: 04-11-2014
Date of birth:  15 / 06  / 1990
Gender: M 
Place of Birth: Svendborg - Denmark 
Telephone Number: 28576809
Mobile: 28576809
Driver's License Number: 987543
Current Residence (Complete in Full)
Address: Uptown avenue 21 - Apartment 203
Zip code:3829
Suburb / City
Previous Residence (Complete in Full)
Address: Skovsbovej 164 - Svendborg - Denmark
Zip code: 5700
Suburb / City Svendborg - DK
Why are you applying? I lost my farm recently, the bank took it and my raptor. I feel that FUMUKU is a way for me to get on my feet again. 
What is your background in the field you are applying for? I had a Farm, i made a living making small time agriculture.
Why should we pick you for FUMUKU? Because i have experience in agriculture. 
What will you offer FUMUKU? I am very loyal, and a hard working person. I can promise that i am a good worker who knows his way around the agriculture field
Character Bio:I moved to EvoCity 2 years ago with my two brothers. One moved away, the other is serving a long jail sentence. I have stayed out in the outskirts trying to make a living farming beans (Saint Mojo's Farm) but went bankrupt 4 month ago. Nobody wants beans... But my flare for Agriculture is as strong as ever. I am currently renting an apartment in town.
Out of Character Information

Steam Name: [FL:RP] Kinderman

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:16307656

Your Age: 20

Hours on server: 327

RP Events you have been in: Domino's Pizzaria RP; Marathon RP

RP Point Amount: 1

Ban History on Fearless RP: None.


In Character Information

Division you are applying for: FUMUKU International: Security Division


Full Name: Max Kinderman Vanderson

All Nicknames: Kinderman

Age: 22

Date of Application: 05/11/14


Date of birth: 22/11/1992

Gender: M

Place of Birth: Lisbon, Portugal

Telephone Number: 219407395

Mobile: 967253880

Driver's License Number: 278093


Current Residence (Complete in Full)

Address: Evocity. Apartments B7. 3rd Floor, Door B

Zip code: 2980-655

Suburb / [City]: Evocity

Previous Residence (Complete in Full)

Address: Amadora, Lisbon

Zip code: 2640-718

Suburb / [City]: Lisbon


Why are you applying? I'm applying because it is my nature to help and protect people that are in need, and FUMUKU seems the place that I'll be able to achive that objective.

What is your background in the field you are applying for? I have worked for small private business as a security guard. I have worked on day and night shifts.

Why should we pick you for FUMUKU? My best skill is in perception. Unusual details is something that I notice 90% of the times. I am also good at aiming, and I have a license driver that allows me to use any type of vehicle.

What will you offer FUMUKU? My loyalty, my skills, and my word. I follow my orders thoroughly, obey my superiors, and work hard to achive sucess.

Character Bio: I moved into Evocity about 4 months ago. With an IT graduation and a specialized Driver's License, I opted to work as a Taxi Driver for the pleasure of driving. But, nowadays most people have their own personal cars, so I gave up the job as a Taxi Driver. Quickly I found out that I also liked to do security work, and so, I started accepting guard work on many small and medium business companies. Now, I want to take a new higher step.
The following 8 users Like Kinderman's post:
  • equal, Nevy, Greed^, TheCasanova, Godbur, Waterloo, Suarez, Dick
Out of Character Information

Steam Name: [FL:RP] Sirrus
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:52147344
Your Age: 16
Hours on server: 417
RP Events you have been in: Homeless Drive, Passive Night, Apocalypse RP during early 2014 on v2d.
RP Point Amount: 3
Ban History on Fearless RP: None.
In Character Information: 
Division you are applying for: FUMUKU International: Security Division
Full Name: Felix Ardrier
All Nicknames: Sirrus, Blackjack
Age: 22
Date of Application: 11/08/2014
Date of birth: 07 /16 /1992
Gender: M / F : Male
Place of Birth: Geneva, Switzerland
Telephone Number: 412326678
Mobile: 5859962467
Driver's License Number: 678920
Current Residence (Complete in Full)
Address: Evocity Apartments A3, 1st Floor, Door F
Zip code: 4465-289
Suburb / City: Evocity
Previous Residence (Complete in Full)
Address: 947, Nidwalden Way
Zip code: 2681-313
Suburb / City: Geneva, Switzerland
Why are you applying? I would like to apply for the Security Division of FUMUKU international because I feel that I am qualified enough for the job of security, and I have been unemployed for almost 2 months now, as my previous line of work was destroyed. All my work ruined, I had nowhere else to turn. The sheer amount of job options was overwhelming, and I felt as if I should apply for the division that most suited my line of work I previously had before becoming sadly unemployed.
What is your background in the field you are applying for? I've had an extensive background in firearms and body armor, having been trained for a Private Military Company earlier on. We were trained extensively for almost 9 months before being put onto the field. Even then, we were still put to work very strictly, and one mistake could result in termination.
Why should we pick you for FUMUKU? I should be picked for FUMUKU, because I've been taught the strict, enforced ways of how to be a proper security unit. I have the training needed to become an officer, and enough time to learn again, if necessary. I'm a very pliant person, so should there be any more necessary training, I will happily comply. New ways of weapon and armor training are always welcome while I'm being trained, and should there ever be anything new I need to know, I can always figure out ways to make it work.
What will you offer FUMUKU? I can offer my trust, my full, undivided attention, and compliance to orders. If wanted, I can also help with the training of other individuals, if techniques I previously used are of any use to those in the division as well. I can also offer my life, and my honor, as I am a man of my word, and shall follow who leads. I am able to offer my full services, whenever needed, for anyone in the company.
Character Bio: I started off as nothing. Just a small child, on the streets of Geneva. That changed whenever I became a teenager, at about 14. I started getting into Fight Clubs, to make money. After a long while in that, I was offered a gift, so to say, from a friend who I met in the clubs. He flew me to America, and we started in the suburbs of a city called Evocity. After we got there, I spent 9 months of my life, devoted to training he gave me, as a gift. Put into a cage of recruitment with other people my age, we went through Hell and back, just to get ourselves trained. Once the training was over, we were able to do things most normal people couldn't. The skills we learned in that training made us strict, security guards. Not normal security guards, mind you. We were trained Private Military Company soldiers.  After a month or so of briefing, we started business. We were doing work for the government, small and large businesses, and the highest bidder. However, after a long while of work, something happened. Our leader collapsed, and as a king falls, his empire is soon to follow. The company went bankrupt, and was closed down in mid 2014, with little to no trace of it ever existing, other than its few remnant workers. New work was available, it was just needed to be found.
The following 2 users Like Sirrus's post:
  • Waterloo, Dick
FUMUKU International is now hireing!

Please submit an application via the form below

Steam NameToungeotatoTurtle
RP NameToungeotatoTurtle
Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:55503597
Hours on server:4
Reason for applying:I Would like to be a part of this clan because i like doing team work and talking whit people. I want to help FUMUKU International to succeed be and be the best of the best.

RP Events you have been in: Prob like 50+ and i am a moderator of a server.

Witnesses to said events:

Division your applying for:What Ever Division you think suits me.

RP Character Bio:I am a 15 year old boy who plays a lot of games and gets A's and B's in tests. I am really into helping people and being in team work. I love driving a cars and bikes. And that's why i want to be a part of FUMUKU International Smile

Please fill out the full template.
[Image: RCy6nPZ.gif]

1. News

No News this time

New Additions:

Security Division:

[FL:RP] Sirrus
Security Clearance: D-T
F.I.D: S.D 6087
Certifications: None
Awards: None
Status: Active

[FL:RP] Kinderman
Security Clearance: D-T
F.I.D: S.D 8426
Certifications: None
Awards: None
Status: Active

Medical Division:

[FL:RP] Voluptious
Security Clearance: D-T
F.I.D: M.D 9400
Certifications: None
Awards: None
Status: Active

Agricultural Division:

Security Clearance: D-T
F.I.D: A.D 2087
Certifications: None
Awards: None
Status: Active

May I be the first to formaly welcome you all to the company

A Promotion may be in the near future if you do well in your soon to be scheduled training.

Remember to follow instructions from your designated site directors and instructors

If we catch you doing something stupid, you will be out on the streets faster than you can say "what"
Theft of office supplies will not be tolerated.

Please add me on steam for future information updates and for your introduction.

Division Promotions:

[FL:RP] Equalizer: STEAM_0:1:40601685
Security Clearance: D
F.I.D: S.D 6985
Certifications: None
Awards: None
Status: Active

[FL:RP] Captain Sours: STEAM_0:1:17477046
Security Clearance: D
F.I.D: S.D 7492
Certifications: None
Awards: None
Status: Active

[FL:RP] Sgt. SuarezSTEAM_0:1:70851645
Security Clearance: D
F.I.D: S.D 2984
Certifications: None
Awards: None
Status: Active

 [FL:RP] Lionel Richtea: STEAM_0:0:62585515
Security Clearance: D
F.I.D: S.D 9726
Certifications: None
Awards: None
Status: Active

[Image: 4WfYSUM.png]Steam Name: [FL:RP] Razz
Steam ID:  Not Listed

Steam Name: [FL:RP] Clawz
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:73875298

[Image: ZhReWYK.png]

Steam Name: Potato Turtle
Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:55503597

(RP Character listed as 15 years old, FUMUKU International does not endorse child labor and thinks children should be in school learning and not working for an international company)

To all those who's application did not get accepted this round of applications, please feel free to apply in two weeks time
Note: Applications submitted before their Denial cooldown has expired will not be considered in a round of applications.
Saint Dogbert: The patron saint of technology
[Image: Saint_dogbert.jpg]
The following 4 users Like BlackDog's post:
  • Moisty, Voluptious, Suarez, Sirrus
*shreek* Thanks, i look forward to RP with you all
[Image: FpROeEz.png]
Barkles is attempting to sleep : )
Welcome to FUMUKU International Sirrus, KindermaN, Voluptious and Doctor_Rumelé. I'm sure you'll do us proud.
I'm looking forward to doing anything with all of you, in the time coming. Thank you, for accepting me. I won't let you down.

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