Wish to make ban smaller (2-4 days?)
Your name: Already_Fallen(FIN)

Your ban ID: 55526
Banned by: [FL] General Rickets
Reason: BRA (54229) - Racism
Involved: Me

Why we should unban you: I posted black man joke, but after that i posted 'not rasict' wich actually means i dont mean to be rasict with it! It was fun joke that day, and i wanted to share it! Can the 6 day ban be smallered (yes, retarded english) to 2-4 days? Huh I wanna waste my life more! I didnt mean it to be rasict! I was meant to be funny! I wish staff would ask and discuss more of these things BEFORE the ban! I couldve explained the situation there, not on the Forums. Thanks for Your time.
Saying something racist and then finishing that with "no racist" doesn't make it any less racist than it seemed originally.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator
I don't see why I should have asked you for your side of the story when you used such profound language which will not be tolerated on this server. I don't see what you can bring to this case for me to shorten the ban.

(11-07-2014, 03:49 PM)General Rickets Wrote: I don't see why I should have asked you for your side of the story when you used such profound language which will not be tolerated on this server. I don't see what you can bring to this case for me to shorten the ban.

It wasnt meant to hurt anyone! swedish make jokes about finnish, finnish people laugh at them, sam as i meant, black people joke about us, white laught at them, and joke back. I didnt mean anything bad, so i dont see this ban is way to price me with.
(11-07-2014, 03:29 PM)Enzyme Wrote: Saying something racist and then finishing that with "no racist" doesn't make it any less racist than it seemed originally.

It wasnt meant to be rasict! it might have been, but i didnt want to hurt anyone!
I see no reason to shorten the ban. Do you have anything else to add to this case?

(11-07-2014, 05:32 PM)General Rickets Wrote: I see no reason to shorten the ban. Do you have anything else to add to this case?

Yes, Thanks for thinking, i wasnt trying to be offensive. See you after the ban.
Denied, you used racist slurs regardless of the intent it is not allowed and you shall receive punishment.

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