BR on bigi45 and Leon
Name of player:



STEAM_0:0:82900921 = bigi45
STEAM_0:0:76394483 = Leon

Time in GMT: 19:40 06.11.14
Server: v33x

Summary: I was the President and had an Order to SRU, Police: "SRU protect Nexus, Officers go patrol, Police Sergeant, you go to Jail as a Jail Guard. NOW!" But the Police Sergeant bigi45 hasnt been in Jail as the Guard, so i demoted him, because he didnt follow my Orders! He didnt accept the reason, so he hostaged me for "random Demote"! Of course this is not a valid Reason and I told him that, but he didnt listen to me and brought another friend to me (Leon) who killed me.


My Order and my Name in front of the Order

bigi45 said it was random demote, because i made no Orders

see his Mind to that and thinks it was a random Demote

For Leon's random killing i have no evidence, but i think you can check your Logs about 19:40 (7:40 pm)
Player Bigi45 and Leon provide your statement.

Deadline: 08.11 - 6 PM GMT +1
He demote me RDM then i go to the Nexus and Tide him then he say "bigi45 handcuff me for high tax" in the OOC chat later at the nexus door was he killed by Leon
here is the viedeo from the tide situation
Ban Request approved.

Raiding for high taxes is not allowed.

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