Name of player: Shakalaka

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:86263922

Time in GMT: 5ish minutes before posting.

Server:  33X

Summary: Cdmed like 2-3 guys on purpose.

Evidence: Pics, can upload vid if really needed. But I got 0.1 upload speed.

Pic 1: Spawns car

[Image: FjFQqZ4.jpg]

Pic 2: Aims at us, stops for a brief second

[Image: Rj6G3Ws.jpg]

Pic 3: Full gas headed for us no attempt to brake. - Also quite a cool shot hahahah <3. Back to seriousness.

[Image: bBPcDcT.jpg]
Kind Regards
Lucifer, your private demon.
[Not Involved]

I used the websites steam ID finder to get this.
shakalaka STEAM_0:0:86263922
*redacted bc i was immature at 15 lol*
(11-03-2014, 05:43 PM)EthanArcher Wrote: [Not Involved]

I used the websites steam ID finder to get this.
shakalaka STEAM_0:0:86263922

Kind Regards
Lucifer, your private demon.

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