MistyPanda's Unban Request (Please read!)
Your name: MistyPandaMan

Your ban ID: 55433

Banned by: [FL:M] Sir Crow

Reason: FearRP

Involved: Me and the Admin.

Why we should unban you: First of all, I had no idea, what the fuck was going on. So I decided to get out my car, and just run back to my house. Then when I got around the corner, two cops tazed me. Then the admin picked up my body and threw it in the air, so I ended up dying. Then I got banned for FearRP...
You got out of your car while multiple offers had been around you, next to the AMPM, ran all the way down the tunnel, was finally tazed. I banned you afterwards for FearRP.
(11-02-2014, 09:27 AM)SirCrow Wrote: You got out of your car while multiple offers had been around you, next to the AMPM, ran all the way down the tunnel, was finally tazed. I banned you afterwards for FearRP.

Yes, I understand what you saw. But you don't understand what I saw. Those cops failrped. I don't even know why I got tazed or even chased. I was only in-game for like 10 minutes. So I had no idea what was going on and decided to walk/run. I was confused. I don't deserve a ban, you could of warned me in-game, they were going to arrest me anyways. Then you abuse your Admin powers by throwing me and killing me, is that really needed?
And I thought FearRP was:

Roleplaying the element of fear. Your character during serious roleplay can never be invincible to fear. Your character will always feel fear to some extent. If you are roleplaying it is important to always FearRP this means you must roleplay when you are afraid when your life is in danger.

Which I most definitely did...
FearRP. If someone has a gun (or tazer) pointed at you, you do what they tell you. You don't run.

Fearless isn't serious, it's semi serious.
I did pick your body up, but I didn't mean to throw it, how ever, it happened. I had picked you up so you wouldn't run after you got back up, which I thought you would so, as again, you ran from AMPM to the end of the tunnel with cops chasing after you.
Unbanned anyway, sorry for the FailRP. Won't happen again i guess.
Crow has stated perfectly well why he banned you and it was indeed valid, like he said, FearRP is "If someone has a gun (or tazer) pointed at you, you do what they tell you. You don't run."

[Image: image.png]

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