BR on Raptor
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Name of player: [FL:RP] Raptor

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:50065871

Time in GMT: 20:55

Server: v33

I was selling Molotow Cocktails and Food at the bank of america.

As "Raptor" came into the Bank of America, i asked him if he wanna buy some Molotow Cocktails.

The president didnt make the rule, that its not allowed to SELL molotow to other Players. - check the logs.

The president did not say, thats its not allowed to SELL molotow to official goverment members. So the Arrest was just random.

The President only said ist not allowed to use a molotow and Level 2 weapons...

I made 3 Screenshots: 1. Screenshot of Raptor as he arrested me. 2. Of the President rules and 3. that Raptor handcuffed me with his random reason.

[Image: brraptor3iy7cblnk80.png]

[Image: brraptor24zj6b8avx5.png]

[Image: brraptor9owr40nmbz.png]
First of all don't you think it is common sense that Molotovs are illegal?
Second of all I was given an order to do so, these following screenshots show everything.

[Image: 2D8ryAS.jpg]

Thrid of all, don't you think its FailRP to be selling molotovs in a bank as a chef?
Here's a better image of the chat, you can see him advertizing the thing, and you can see the President giving us the officers an order to go to him.

[Image: WHyEzl3.jpg]
There is no rule, that its not allowed to sell molotow and Food as a Chef.

- Whatever, the law didnt said that its NOT allowed to sell molotow cocktails, it is still a random Arrest.

btw. thanks for the zoom. you can see now clearly what my job-title was.
I don't think you get the point, I was given an order. Therefore the arrest is valid.
-the order that you should go to the bank of america, i cant see the order that you should Arrest me? Am i right? Maybe you can understand the order like this, that you should observe the costumers who buy the molotow Cocktails.
-you also didnt observe a molotow deal, so you Arrest me for no reason.
-You also didnt know who is selling the molotow, cause you dont know the Name of every Player (if you would know the Name and the Job this would be META gaming).

so Fact is:
You came into a shop with 3 People. one of the People asked you if you wanna buy a molotow (that means not if he is selling it, if this would be illegal - but its not because there was no clear rule of the president) you start cuffing him, wrote a Arrest request and arrested him (me). This happens in 1 Minute. Thats not roleplay.
I still don't think you understand what I am saying the radio call was "Officers go to bank of america, selling Illegal Molotovs" notices the word Illegal, that means outlawed also means NOT ALLOWED by the law As I said I was given an order.
You didnt observe a molotow deal. You cant know who sell molotow. You didnt ask if someone selling molotow to you.
You random arrested me.
Or did you observe that i did a molotow deal? NO, you didnt, so it was a random Arrest.(Fail RP)

hope you get it now!

Here how it would be real RP:

1. Officer goes into the bank of america.
A. he can try to make a deal with the "dealer"
B. Observe a deal

2. If the officer try to make a fake-deal by his own.
He should ask for a molotow offer, a Price and after there was an Agreement between dealer and costumer, its a real reason to a Arrest a Person.

You just came into a shop, handcuffed me, cause i ask an objectiv question "you wanna buy molotow?" and arrested me.

- Random Arrest
- Fail RP
This makes no sense, look at what you just typed to me

This is a picture of what you wrote in the ban request originally

[Image: q2eLybz.png]

And this is a picture of what you last wrote

[Image: XGhhJDk.png]

Focus on the things I've highlighted in the red box thing
and yes you did actaully ask me.

Molotovs are a black market good. They are illegal and the arrest was valid.

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