Your name: Hemuli

Your ban ID: 55055

Banned by: [FL] Enzyme

Reason: FailRP, randomly spawning a toilet on the presidents desk. Randomly shooting in Nexus

Involved: -

Why we should unban you: the toilet: it was a joke. just for a short term lols with friends and i was going to delete it and would never been done it normally but I was a little drunk and it was very late and i guess i thought it was funny (my friends said it was funny) Shooting: i accidentally pressed mouse 1 and shot 2 bullets. So i personally dont think that placing a toilet is worth 24h ban (not counting the shooting since it was accident) also i would've liked to have a talk with the admin before just banning me since i could have been able to explain myself and leave the server before i do anything else stupid I am sorry and will not play in that state anymore. i will go sleep and hopefully wake up with no ban :)

best regards, dem batman (also sorry about my bad and short english)
It doesn't matter if it was a joke or if you were "a little drunk, and it was late". You broke the rules.

I have two other admins who can testify to that you shot alot more than two shots. Lying in the courthouse is not a smart move if you want the case to go in your favour.

You clearly broke the rules, and I see no reason as to why this ban is too long or invalid.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator
There was a gunfight between rebel and us corleones before i shot those accident rounds so random shooting were only the last accident rounds fater i placed the toilet and accidentally shot at the elevator. i know i cant justify the toilet and i told my condition just to explain myself but in my opinion 24 hours is far too much for one toilet and i am not asking it to be complitely removed but in my opinion little cut would be appropriate
since you probaply wont review and possibly unban me in time, i would just leave a suggestion: please talk with people before you ban them becose they might for examble missclick like i did

I was watching you, and I know that you're clearly lying. Denied.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator

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