Kristian's Stock and Investment
Company name: Volvo Wanted

Name of Director: Ping-Hotel

Annual income: As Of Yet We Have Had 0 Sales But Its A New Company. But, people asked me alot for the volvo.

What does your company sell/buy: We Buy and Sell Volvo's

Contact informations: Pm Me In Game or Add me on steam: Ping-Hotel

Do you agree to the TOS? (Not made yet): Yes.

attach income/sale related documents
Not avaible at the momment.
Thanks for the applications, they will be checked soon.
heheh awsome Smile
so when r u checking the applications?
(10-25-2014, 10:10 AM)Kevinboyxx12 Wrote: so when r u checking the applications?

Ow glad you reminded me, i'll check them tomorrow.
Okay, I checked this forum page everyday. Thought hmm maybe he forgot lol.

Np Wink
So any answers?
Yes, the people who has been accepted will be contacted by the weekend.
I don't get it . Smile

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