FUMUKU International
Welcome everyone , i hope u guys dont disapoint us and be loyal to us , good luck Wink
The following 2 users Like THE ROCK's post:
  • Greed^, Ivan Tempski
Out of Character Information

Steam Name: [FL:RP] Connbob

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:39143054

Your Age: Private.

Hours on server: Nearly 100, 50 mins to go

RP Events you have been in: A few, cannot remember.

RP Point Amount: 0 

Ban History on Fearless RP: Banned for 1 day, NLR (which I accidentally commited)


In Character Information: 

Division you are applying for: FUMUKU Security Devision


Full Name: Simon Lane

All Nicknames: non, other than Simon

Age: 34

Date of Application: 19/09/2014


Date of birth:   7/ 2 /1980

Gender: Male

Place of Birth: EvoCity Suburbs

Telephone Number: 02102525246

Mobile: 07252254964

Driver's License Number: 0284737


Current Residence (Complete in Full)

Address: 18 Evo Road

Zip code: EVO42


Previous Residence (Complete in Full)

Address: ----

Zip code: ----



Why are you applying?: I really enjoy helping defend people, and I love the RP experience as something new can happen every corner you go, it inspires me to help EvoCity and achieve. I really love the enjoyment of meeting new people and completing raids (at times) as it is an upbeat process that is great to take part in and help (like previously mentioned).

What is your background in the field you are applying for?: I work for Alterix Corporation at the moment as an Assault, however, if I get the job, I will quit and join FUMUKU, as I love defending people.

Why should we pick you for FUMUKU?: I am an experienced and clever person who will not only offer you good aiming skills, but I can devise plans really quickly in a sticky situation, I would think I was perfect (not bragging).

What will you offer FUMUKU?: I will offer intelligence and skill to the team, helping along and listening to all instructions I am given, so hopefully you agree! 

Character Bio: Fun | Powerful | Destructive 
Hopefully I don't have to deny you access to the facility after your application review. Wink
[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:1:40601685&b=10]
The following 1 user Likes equal's post:
  • Greed^
***Your vision is blurred as you walk towards the mailbox. As you glare at the sun, a large white object enters your view. A mail truck arrives at the FUMUKU International compound and parks in front of you. A tall man in a postman's uniform steps out of the truck, and hands you a package, "For a Mr. Carthusia Malkrin?" he says. You're eyes open wide as you recognize the name. You then sign for the package, and head back inside, waving to the departing postman. Finally, you place the package inside the Director's personal mail drop.***

***The package contains a small leather pouch, and an envelope sealed with warm, red wax. You grab a letter opener from your desk, and open the envelope...***

Out of Character Information:

Steam Name:
[FL:RP] Falcon.

Steam ID:

Your Age:
Not Available.

Hours on server:
796 Hours.

RP Events you have been in:
-Ice Age RP.
-GameStop RP.
-Greggs RP.
-Blockbuster RP.
-Many, many more.

RP Point Amount:
16 Roleplay Points.

Ban History on Fearless RP:
"Random Raid" - 2013-09-11 02:11:59 - [FL] Grub.


In Character Information:

Division you are applying for:
FUMUKU International Security Division.

Full Name:
Jedediah Hugo Breckner.

All Nicknames:

Twenty-nine years of age.

Date of Application:
September 19, 2014.

Date of birth:


Place of Birth:
Antwerp, Belgium.

Telephone Number:


Driver's License Number:

Current Residence: (Complete in Full)

270 Lake Street Lane. EvoCity, Washington. 55740.

Zip code:

Suburb / City:

Previous Residence: (Complete in Full)

303 Commerce Boulevard. Richmond, Virginia. 22679.

Zip code:

Suburb / City:

Why are you applying?
     I am applying for FUMUKU International because I have skills in the areas it offers. I have expertise in many areas, and plan to use this to aid the company as a whole. My dedication and passion towards organizations like yours in unconquerable, and will not be demolished. I am not the "average applicant" who expects to be accepted whiteout listing any important facts about themselves. I am an enthused applicant, who believes he can use his skills to aid the better of the organization. I own a vast array of weaponry, and possess a Class Three license, therefore I can distribute these weapons to any officer in need. My economic expertise will also, undeniably, help the organization. I am an expert on creating fundraisers, and had done successful ones in the past. I intend to use this skill to better the organizations economic standing. In conclusion, I believe, with my skills and expertise, I can aid this wonderful organization as a whole.

What is your background in the field you are applying for?     
     I have worked for Black Mesa, a research group located in [REDACTED], specializing in theoretical physics and virology. There has also been security protocol that is required for all Black Mesa operatives, including me. This training system has helped my reasoning skills, and improved my aim, etc.

     As well as working for Black Mesa, I have also worked for your company, FUMUKU International, as a Security Officer. I was laid off due to private problems, but was a Class C operative before the application reforms were instituted.

Why should we pick you for FUMUKU?
     Why should you pick me for FUMUKU International? Well, I can state many physical things that could aid the organization, like weaponry distribution, and aiding its economic standpoint, but those are not the only important aspects of me. I am very kind, and I have passion and dedication beyond belief. I'd risk my life for this organization, like I have done many a time before. My relationship with the city folk is extremely impressive, and this could help FUMUKU International from an associate's standpoint. All in all, I believe you should select me for FUMUKU International because I can get the job down, whenever, wherever.

What will you offer FUMUKU?
     I will offer FUMUKU International a number of things, figuratively, and physically. This could mean arming officers if needed, or helping a colleague out in a training session. Due to my experience, I have vast knowledge about FUMUKU International's technology, like the [REDACTED] and the [REDACTED]. I know the Security compound like the back of my hand, due to the time I've spent patrolling. I also know the Research and Development's campus, as I have been stationed there as well. Finally, I'd like to point out that I would offer my life to FUMUKU International.

Character Bio:

The Parent's Story:

     On the twenty-seventh of September, 1952, a child named Chloe Vermeulen was born into a noble family in the Flemish Region of Belgium. Her family was very righteous and ethical, and therefore they had made a living. Growing up, Chloe was very courteous and appealing. She always put a good name for her family, and always paid attention to others. Chloe began schooling at a Technical Secondary Education school, or a school that focused on practical matters, such as getting a job, and/or gaining a decent salary. She excelled in school, averaging the highest in her class, and eventually going to a college abroad. During her time at the University of EvoCity, she had learned a decent amount of needed skills, including speaking English, and French. She majored in Economics and Business, and bought into the stock market. After earning a decent cash-flow, she took a plane back to Belgium, and bought her own apartment. The apartment was small, but very contemporary and welcoming. She got a job as an accountant at the Argenta Bank in Antwerp. After working for around a week’s time, she became interested in a young man named Mathias. He was a kind and intellectual person, always caring and understanding. He would always think of ways to impress people, and that’s exactly what he did to Chloe. 

     On their third week of going steady, Mathias invited Chloe to his summer house in Brussels. It was a large, extravagant condominium, furnished with expensive furniture like white-leather couches, and canopy beds. As per usual, Mathias was in a bright mood, and kissed Chloe on the hand as she entered the foyer. They talked for hours and hours about life, and how it has been towards them. At around 9:00 PM, they went to sleep. The lights were out and the doors were locked, but one would easily hear the creaking of a canopy bed. In the morning, Mathias arose to find the house ravaged by burglars. Mathias found a decent amount of blood on the couch, and a trail leading to the foyer. The door was wide open, with dents imprinted on it. There was a struggle, but it was a pointless struggle, as there was a blood-soaked staff on the ground, and a smeared sanguine handprint next to it. Mathias was distraught, and attempted to search for Chloe, but to no avail. He immediately notified the authorities, and travelled back to Brussels.

     A few months later, he received an anonymous email, telling him the location of his beloved. He knew it was sketchy, and notified the police force. At the scene, Mathias walked alone, wired and armoured. He slowly strolled around, awaiting his partner’s captives. After ten minutes, a few shots could be heard in the distance, along with the spinning of helicopter rotors. Mathias quickly ran towards the sounds, and found two dead men, one detained, and a woman. A black bag was over her head, and her hands were bound. The police quickly removed the corpses, and brought the detained suspect in. The woman was left with Mathias, who had soon realized her identity. He pulled off the black bag, and kissed the woman, untying her simultaneously. As they had moved closer, Mathias realized the woman’s abdomen extended. He looked at the woman, as she blushed and hugged him. They walked off together, holding hands. 

     Two years later, Mathias and Chloe were engaged. They had lived with eachother since the end of the incident, and had had a child. Tiernan, a brown haired boy, had already learned to walk by the age of two. He was happy with his family, and enjoyed himself. But out of his sight, his parents were deeply in love and were expecting another child. During their marriage, Mathias and Chloe vowed that they would never betray eachother even if their lives were in danger. This vow would soon come into play. After having their second child, Jedediah, they came into contact with Chloe’s captors once again. This time, their children’s lives were at stake. The young family begged not to take away their children, but they were too late. On the night of February 17, 1983, Chloe had been killed in a grief car accident. With her sons in the car, they were easy prey for the captors, who had staged the crash. They stole away Jedediah, the youngest son, and attempted to steal Tiernan, but failed due to the Police nearing their location… 

Jedediah's Story:

     After the kidnapping, Jedediah seemed to grow up in a violent environment. He was taught how to fight at an early age. He was expected to help out his captors in any way he could. On the night of September 14, 1991, the kidnappers were murdered by an unknown extremist group. Jedediah was left in the blood-bloodsoaked room all by himself. When police arrived, he was arrested and sent to a Juvenile Detention Center in Antwerp, Belgium. After police interrogated Jedediah, they immediately found that this was not the place for him. They attempted to find his brother Tiernan, but he was no where to be found. 

      After the incident in the Detention Center, Jedediah was placed in a foster home where he was immediately welcomed by the other children. He got along extremely well with others, and would always be kind to them. After a few years in the foster home, Jedediah turned 18 and registered himself for a passport. He had heard a lot about America, and he wanted to live there. After he was registered, he took an immediate flight to the States. He applied for dual citizenship, and in five years, it was granted. Jedediah learned to speak English fluently, and moved to a city called EvoCity. He went to an Ivy League College and majored in Business and Economics. Jedediah had made a living rather quickly, due to his expertise in knowledge of finance.

      He had now accumulated a large amount of money before learning that his father that he never knew, was killed in gasoline explosion in Brussels, Belgium. Jedediah quickly took a flight to Brussels to attend his funeral. During the funeral procession, Jedediah received a phone call that his brother had also been killed. He was astonished that he had been living in EvoCity as well, and wrapped things up in Belgium. He attempted to attend the funeral, but he arrived a few hours after the procession ended. He was completely devastated. After the depression withdrew, he introduced himself to his brother's friends. He met a young lady named Layla Wright. He found himself in a conversation with her and her friend Isaac. They had got along great until Jedediah found himself in a hostage situation.. The killer of his brother had taken the young lady hostage in the Flea Market. Jedediah and Isaac did their best to save her, and they succeeded. Jedediah now knew he wanted to get into some action. He quit his well paying his job, and immediately volunteered for the U.S. Military. After he had passed basic training, he was stationed in Nevada as a National Guard. After a few years, Jedediah had resigned from his post in order to return to EvoCity. When he arrived, he found that his previous job had been shut down due to bankruptcy. The business couldn't survive without his economic expertise.

Thank you for taking the time to read my application.
Sincerely, Jedediah Breckner.
[Image: nI7t1ro.png]

***After reading the application form, you continue to search through the package, finding a small leather pouch, containing a warn card. You examine the card...***

***After examining the card, and reading the application form, you place the items back into the package, and seal it up with packing tape. You then place the sealed package into your drawer.***
[Image: J1zObHm.gif]
The following 7 users Like Falcon's post:
  • Jan, Ivan Tempski, TheCasanova, Nexus, equal, QuickDeze, Dubwub
Out of Character Information

Steam Name: [FL:RP] QuickDeze
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:25233110
Your Age: I’m 16, turning 17 very soon.
Hours on server: I have 210 hours on the server.
RP Events you have been in: I have been attending in a lot of RP's, but I haven’t been attending in some bigger RP events.
RP Point Amount: I have 0 RP points at the moment.
Ban History on Fearless RP: I only have 1 ban on Fearless. But that ban was long ago and I have learned from my mistakes.
In Character Information
Division you are applying for: FUMUKU Security Division.
Full Name: Terrence D. Maxwell.
All Nicknames: QuickDeze.
Age: I’m 25 years old.
Date of Application: 09.20.2014.
Date of birth:  11 / 19 /1989.
Gender: Male.
Place of Birth: EvoCity Hospital.
Telephone Number: 214-345-551-995.
Mobile: 222-321-476-987.
Driver's License Number: 9333-496-1521.
Current Residence (Complete in Full)
Address: EvoCity Mainstreet 224.
Zip code: 8500.
Suburb / City: EvoCity.
Previous Residence (Complete in Full)
Address: EvoCity Apartments 3[sup]rd[/sup] floor second on right.
Zip code: 8500.
Suburb / City: EvoCity.
Why are you applying? I’m applying because I’m currently looking for a new working place. At the moment I’m working as a night guard at EvoCity Museum, and it’s a low salary job with long and boring nights. It’s not the worst job tough; I got some good colleagues and everything. But it’s a job under my skillset. I have been trained to deal with more important things than that. Then I heard about FUMUKU International and they look like a very interesting and well organized company. So it’s one of my top priorities to get a spot inside FUMUKU International’s Security Division.  
What is your background in the field you are applying for? I have a lot of experience in the security business and military. I have a lot of experience with military tactics and weapon use. So a security job at a museum is just under my skillset and is too boring. So I really want to work as security in a way bigger company.
Why should we pick you for FUMUKU? You should pick me, because I see myself as qualified for the job and it seems like you are offering a job that would challenge me in different ways. That’s definitely what I’m looking into in this job. My background is clean and I have no criminal record. I have a lot to prove and I have a lot to bring to this job.
What will you offer FUMUKU? I'm serious and i will put my heart into this job. I will offer and use my trained skills in this job. I will also do everything in my power to get the job done.  I will bring a lot of positive spirit and energy with me. I always think positive also if things are not going the way they were supposed to. If danger occurs, I will use my common sense and logic to get everyone out in one peace, of course as peaceful as possible.   
Character Bio: Terrence was born in EvoCity Hospital. His father wasn’t there at the birth because he was in Afghanistan. So Terrence’s mom was the only one to show Terrence the world a whole year. Terrence’s mom worked in a bank and his father worked in the military in the Pararescue division. Saving soldiers who were injured on the field in dangerous areas. So his job was very dangerous.

The Maxwell family wasn’t that rich but still had enough money to take the whole family on vacation once a year. But when Terrence was 14 years old, couldn’t his father attend in the family vacation because of an emergency call from the military. They needed him on a special and secret operation. The family received letters from the father every week, but after a year it suddenly stopped. The Maxwell family started to worry and two weeks after, a black car rolled up the street and two men in black suits walked up to the door. Terrence was at this moment 15 year old. The two men in black suits knocked on the door and delivered a yellow letter to Terrence mom. Terrence’s mom felt on the ground and started to cry. Terrence was not sure what was going on so he opened the letter and read it. When he was done reading, he dropped the letter on the ground and started to cry with his mom. His father was M.I.A. That day Terrence swears to god that he would go and graduate as Pararescue and find his dad one day.

The years passed by and Terrence turned 18 and enlisted for the military. It took several years for Terrence to get into the Pararescue division. But at an age of 22 years old, he got promoted to the Pararescue division. Terrence went on a lot a travels in Afghanistan and Iraq as rescuer and later he went on some Special operations. At an age of 24 years old, he want to Afghanistan and he discovered something shine up from the ground. It was a dog tag. Terrence walked over to the dog tag and tried to take it, but he couldn’t it was stuck in the ground. Terrence started digging and in few minutes a corpse appeared. He looked at the dog tag saw it was his father’s name that stood on it. He had now completed his life mission, he had found his father.

Terrence went back to EvoCity as a 25 year old man. He had lived 7 years on switch in Afghanistan and Iraq in the search of his father. Terrence now works as security guard in EvoCity Museum. It’s a casual job with low salary. Nothing exciting really happens. After a few months working as night security guard in EvoCity Museum, Terrence started to miss the excitements by being in the army. So one day Terrence’s friend Cody Cennedy Williams had something interesting to tell him. So they meat at Cody Cennedy Williams working place in the Metro Café. Cody Cennedy Williams  was in the EvoCity Metro Café to visit his friend Cody. Cennedy Williams. Cody had some very interesting new to tell me, he was leaving the Metro Café for a work at FUMUKU International. He told a lot about the job and it seemed very interesting. So after the nice meeting with his friend, Terence went directly back home to write a job application to FUMUKU International. Terrence was really excited and really wanted to join the company’s security division. Because he thought that the security division in FUMUKU International was something that could challenge a man of his skills.

Thank you for taking your time to read my application.
Kind regards
Kind regards

The following 2 users Like QuickDeze's post:
  • TheCasanova, Falcon
Steam Name: - Ghost

RP Name: Connor Jones

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:41074489

Hours on server:50.6mins but when you will see this it would be biger

Reason for applying: i am interested to join your clan for beater RP and you guys seam to be fun and no what you are doing and you dont have little kids in your group that brake rp so thats one reason for joining and i think it would be a lot more fun to join you guys if i can

RP Events you have been in: me and the pres got kidnapped and me being a cop ect

Witnesses to said events: dont no

Division your applying for: Security officer

RP Character Bio:Ex military /Good with Wepons/Age 16
Is your CTRL + V broken? u should use template ....
[Image: RCy6nPZ.gif]

1. News

No real news this time around, stay tuned for current events

[Image: 4VGqdYp.png]

[FL:RP] Falcon: STEAM_0:0:66948201
Security Clearance: D-T
F.I.D: SD 9845
Certifications: None
Awards: None
Status: Active

[FL:RP] QuickDeze: STEAM_0:0:25233110
Security Clearance: D-T

F.I.D: SD 6846

Certifications: None

Awards: None
Status: Active

May I be the first to formaly welcome you all to the company

A Promotion may be in the near future if you do well in your soon to be scheduled training.

Remember to follow instructions from your designated site directors and instructors

If we catch you doing something stupid, you will be out on the streets faster than you can say "what"
Theft of office supplies will not be tolerated.

Please add me on steam for future information updates and for your introduction.

[Image: 4WfYSUM.png][FL:RP] Connbob
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:39143054

[Image: ZhReWYK.png]Steam Name: - Ghost

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:41074489

To all those who's application did not get accepted this round of applications, please feel free to apply in two weeks time
Saint Dogbert: The patron saint of technology
[Image: Saint_dogbert.jpg]
The following 5 users Like BlackDog's post:
  • Falcon, Moisty, Dubwub, QuickDeze, Toxic
I warmly welcome my new colleagues to the FUMUKU International! I'm looking forward to work with you in the nearest future.
Welcome to the clan Falcon & QuickDeze

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