Ban Request on [FL:RP] Markus
Name of player: [FL:RP] Markus

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:36038228

Time in GMT: 00:03 +1 (Sweden)

Server: v2d

Summary: Saying that he is going to track someone's ip

I was online when this happened and he was saying it sarcastically and not being serious, if you could see the rest of the OOC chat it'd show he was only fooling around.

"It's only game, why you heff to be mad?"
True story,
He wasn't serious.
[Image: MrTreeGames-Signature.gif]
Give green to Tree
                                                               signature by Nyander
(09-14-2014, 09:09 AM)MrTreeGames Wrote: True story,
He wasn't serious.
And? what's the reason to threat someone to track down thiers ip?
I where there when the incident happened.

You gotta say "zing" now because this is redicilous. I have no clue who Marcus is in person but that there was a clear joke.
He never said he would but that he could.

I do not know how the rules stand alike but he where warned by another player to stop and he did.
This in my opinion is pretty absurd.

Either way. That is what i think since i where there at the present time.
Request reviewed and denied.

Closing notes:
Insufficient evidence of any rules being violated by the accused player(s).

[FL] GeorgeTheBoy
Server Administrative Team

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