Unban MadMax
Your name: madmax

Your ban ID: 53381

Banned by: [FL] ZedsDead

Reason: jumpin on tanqed body

Involved: the admin and a few others by him but i dont know who.

Why we should unban you: first off yes i did jump on him but not to kill him i ran over him and got stuck so was trying to get out of him which glitch me into bouncing.

Also to my understanding it was against rules to speak IG in any other language other than English. now im not sure what he was speaking he can tell me but he should not have been talking to other members IG.

Second off he arrested me for no reason and warranted me for disrupting or something which i was trying to tell him its my car and he just tazed me.

any way as you can see iv never been banned before other than once that was turned over as it was mistake and 1 weopeons ban and since iv been fine so you can see i don't break rules
Only You Define Who You Are, Not What Others Want You To Be
Not sure where to start about this. Ill simply start by saying lying in the court house will have consequences.

Yes, I was detaining you for obstructing with police business, as you were standing in front of a car yelling "It's my car" while we were trying to figure out who shot
at us, and from where. Just after you got cuffed, I was tranqed from a distance, so I pulled back and yelled to another Norwegian officer "I've been tranqed, cover me".

You are allowed to speak a foreign language, just not in OOC, Advert or Broadcast. IC is fine.

While I got tranqed, you SLOWLY made your way towards me, walked on top of me, and started jumping on me while yelling "I don't like you".
Had I been tranqed just a second longer, you jumping would have killed me, as I woke up at 6% health, while you were still jumping on me.

There were several witnesses around. Sadly, I do not remember who was that. I do however think SourLemon was one of them, as he instantly PMed me
asking if I was Zeds undercover after I banned you. If he was present during the time, I am sure he will tell you the same thing.
So I say again. Lying in the courthouse WILL have consequences.
I Was Present For This Matter, We were Tranqed by a Sniper near the Industrial Tunnel, And While me and Zeds were unconcious you procceded to jump on our bodies Saying something, While you were standing on Zeds (Undercover At the Time), and running back and forth over his body, Quite intentionaly, He Woke up, and froze you in place, After Which he Banned you. This Ban is Valid in my Opinion. The Arrest Was also not random as you were running around in the middle of a shootout and were yelling something about a car I was going to impound.
Ok so both of you contradict each other as one say I'm jumped and one says I walked, like I said I don't deny walking to you but when handcuffed it extremely hard to get of a body once you stick to it, and as you said I was stood by the car not moving saying it's my car and I didn't bother you I was just trying to get the car and you tazed me instead of letting me get it, also as I said it was my understanding it was only English IG as how is it fair for you to speak any othe language that I may not understand, any way as I said you two both say different things here so that proves to me that it's bull, any way if you were undercover can I just say why we're you not responding to admin calls about the multiple rdm and cdm on the server
Only You Define Who You Are, Not What Others Want You To Be
The whole point of being undercover is not to respond to @ calls, but to observe players, so they don't know im there.
And then ban those who break the rules. It shows the true colors of players while they think there isn't an admin on.

Now, back to the incident. SourLemon was one of the witnesses, and he as well confirms you jumping on me, while you
were yelling something, which was "I don't like you".

Let's also not forget a couple of other things. This was a shootout, where you ran right into as a Gun Dealer. FailRP.
Let's also point out how there were about 3-4 armed officers pointing weapons at you while I told you to step back,
as you were obstructing police business, which you failed to abide. FearRP.

The arrest and ban are both more then valid.

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