br on government
Name of player:Capt.SwagYolo |Monkey D. Luffy |WoW is dead|moose

SteamID:STEAM_0:1:32977415 STEAM_0:1:41610444 STEAM_0:1:44733153-might be mooses steam id

Time in GMT:about 9 a clockpm East

Server: V2d

Summary:This all started like and some friends were rping as a mafia family and we had a lot of people so we had a meeting with the pres saying for peace we agreed so when we were leaving the sru srg started chasing us and shooting us when we were leaving we tranqued him and tied them both up and he kept shouting that we shot a cop when we were all in the car so i told them that with 500$ we could forget all about this they said no that they reather we made a public execution next to bk.Later on we were back to normal when they became pres again and they randomly warranted all rebels(at that time we were all rebels)soo out of no where a war started again he banned us from the city so we tried to raid while getting shot and officers just running up to us with arrest sticks breaking nlr and fear rp and soo many rules even the we had to all stay together and shoot try to avoid the firefights.when we successfully raided killing the cops on the lobby constantly shooting at us we went up and we got the pres hostage wityh us and we told him to tell the cops not to come up he did the cops went up about 3-5 times and they kept saying they got called up and the 5 mins past well the pres was punchwhoring metagaming telling srus to arrest me for having the family name on my job and telling cops to kill us soo much more...

__The Government__
__the Pres telling them not! to come up__
__ them breaking nlr and not following the pres orders__
__pres punchwhoring and insulting me__
__random arresting my friend when he just spawned__

for monkey d. luffy I found allot of ips and same names idk which one is right sorry
[Image: xfmK5LX.jpg]
The original Cuban Minge
"This all started like and some friends were rping as a mafia family and we had a lot of people so we had a meeting with the pres saying for peace we agreed so when we were leaving the sru srg started chasing us and shooting us when we were leaving we tranqued him and tied them both up and he kept shouting that we shot a cop when we were all in the car so i told them that with 500$ we could forget all about this they said no that they reather we made a public execution next to bk."

First off I was the SRU sarge here and i saw one of the mafia murder a cop and then get into to a car so i shot at them, we then had a firefight with the Mafia and me and the president got tranqed and were executed by the mafia.

"Later on we were back to normal when they became pres again and they randomly warranted all rebels(at that time we were all rebels)soo out of no where a war started again he banned us from the city so we tried to raid while getting shot and officers just running up to us with arrest sticks breaking nlr and fear rp and soo many rules even the we had to all stay together and shoot try to avoid the firefights.when we successfully raided killing the cops on the lobby constantly shooting at us we went up and we got the pres hostage wityh us and we told him to tell the cops not to come up he did the cops went up about 3-5 times and they kept saying they got called up"

Ok so later after me and the pres got executed i became president and in my laws i banned rebels from the city and my cops told me to warrant a some rebels, then after the rebels came to raid the nexus and i was hiding on the third floor so i don't know what happened during that time, anyways after that i got taken hostage and told my men to not come up the elevator but they did and i got killed. After that Monkey became the new president and i became an SRU and he asked us to come up to his office, when we got there the rebels shot at us even though the raid was over and we had a new pres.

Anyways, thats my side of the story i really don't think any of us deserve to be banned.
(08-27-2014, 04:54 AM)Moose Wrote: "This all started like and some friends were rping as a mafia family and we had a lot of people so we had a meeting with the pres saying for peace we agreed so when we were leaving the sru srg started chasing us and shooting us when we were leaving we tranqued him and tied them both up and he kept shouting that we shot a cop when we were all in the car so i told them that with 500$ we could forget all about this they said no that they reather we made a public execution next to bk."

First off I was the SRU sarge here and i saw one of the mafia murder a cop and then get into to a car so i shot at them, we then had a firefight with the Mafia and me and the president got tranqed and were executed by the mafia.

"Later on we were back to normal when they became pres again and they randomly warranted all rebels(at that time we were all rebels)soo out of no where a war started again he banned us from the city so we tried to raid while getting shot and officers just running up to us with arrest sticks breaking nlr and fear rp and soo many rules even the we had to all stay together and shoot try to avoid the firefights.when we successfully raided killing the cops on the lobby constantly shooting at us we went up and we got the pres hostage wityh us and we told him to tell the cops not to come up he did the cops went up about 3-5 times and they kept saying they got called up"

Ok so later after me and the pres got executed i became president and in my laws i banned rebels from the city and my cops told me to warrant a some rebels, then after the rebels came to raid the nexus and i was hiding on the third floor so i don't know what happened during that time, anyways after that i got taken hostage and told my men to not come up the elevator but they did and i got killed. After that Monkey became the new president and i became an SRU and he asked us to come up to his office, when we got there the rebels shot at us even though the raid was over and we had a new pres.

Anyways, thats my side of the story i really don't think any of us deserve to be banned.
no you were sru and you started putting random warrants because as soon as I spawned and I went to the city I got a random warrant and all the rebels had one too mind explaining why and don't lie on the forums please? and mind telling me why you randomly banned rebels as soon as you became pres?cause you said you became a president and banned the rebels you have to have a valid reason whats the reason? I lost more then 7 aks because of u and your friends breaking nlr you guys went up you died and you went back up when not even 2 minutes passed mind explaining that? and admins pls check the logs so you can see what happened.

you all deserve to be banned because other people are trying to roleplay when you guys try to rdm as cops and put random warrants and you guys rush at people with arrest sticks when they have guns at you and when you die you run back mind explaining me that?
[Image: xfmK5LX.jpg]
The original Cuban Minge

Why just why..

User received a warning for this post.
(08-30-2014, 05:58 PM)Kevinboyxx12 Wrote:

Why just why..

don't post this here.... we are trying to fix a problem
[Image: xfmK5LX.jpg]
The original Cuban Minge

Closing notes:
WoW is dead guilty for breaking NLR.
Monkey D. Luffy was found guilty of punchwhoring, as seen in his player animation. Yet in my opinion that does not deserve a ban.
The arrest being done in public, claiming he just spawned, I'm afraid that evidence isn't sufficient for me.

I'm unable to see anyone except from 1 police officer being inside the elevator on the screenshot you provided, therefore the SRU's were not found guilty.

[FL] TheBlackShadowOfGod

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