Unban Request (Pacific)
Disclaimer: Anything posted here by me is on the behalf of Pacific, without editing or touching by me or anyone else.

Your name: Pacific name now is Pacman(Brown belt 1)

Your ban ID:43697

Banned by: Freezak
Reason: Multi-Accounting

Involved: No one was banned out of game

Why we should unban you: I was banned unfair because my laptop was broken and in the shop, so I decided to play on my brothers laptop which he is banned on I tried joining but was banned I did not even now he played FLRP. Please reconsider I think I should never have been banned.
Explain these other accounts:

[OUCH] Yosoldja STEAM_0:1:27793432
[OUCH]Naimzorz STEAM_0:1:24456352

Explain how these accounts are affiliated with yours.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator
They are both my older brothers they dont play anymore

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