Wish to make videos?
Hey everyone!
I have recently seen Bash Arkins FL videos and I really like them. I want to try and make one of my own, I dont know what or how to do any of this stuff yet.

I know I need a topic but we will figure that out later.
What do I need? Software and such, What is EVERYTHING I need to get started? Tips, tricks, products, everything. PLEASE
First of all you need a Recording software such as Fraps, then you need a compressing software which i forgot the name of and you also need something to cut and edit the video.

So yeah:

Sony Vegas (Saw some of my mates using it)
[Image: cuAfUK9.gif]
Screen Capturing
and Editing.

Alright, first off, pardon me but what is compressing?
Hopefully someone will get me the name, and I have mild experience with Vegas but isnt it like $1000?

Ohyeah and my video card is not the best, I use WeGame for screen capture and it doesnt lag at all, is this ok?
If you want to get really technical, you could try using the Source Demo system. It's complicated but very professional, and you can get beautiful graphics, regardless of your computer's performance.
[Image: P6KNEfH.png]           .       
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Tell me more?
What is it, what does it do and where can I get it?
By default, Source Demo is in all Source games - Garry's Mod, for instance. It's all done through the console, although you can modify things using the demoui console command to bring up the demo menu.

[Image: P6KNEfH.png]           .       
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That doesn't sound that bad...
I will give it a shot. Ill read up and tell you what I think.

So I read up, looks simple but all these words are mixing up in my head. I will print off that page and see what I can do. Thanks. Smile
No problem.
[Image: P6KNEfH.png]           .       
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Just get WeGame, it's easy to use and to find the video's you have recorded. That will be your recording software, which is free might I add, then you will need an editing software, if you use Windows then you have the default editor "Windows Live Movie Maker" which is fine for making video's. I would recommend one more software but you have to pay and it's for people that are into making video's and who have done it for a while.

If you are planning on doing a commentry, voice overlay. Then I recommend the voice recorder "Audacity". It's really good.

But if you want to just talk in mic like Bash Arkin does, go ahead.
I am a Machinima maker so Smile

[Image: ezgif_com_save.gif] Oh, Ariana. Stop it, you!
YOU ARE!? Cheese
Machinima is awesome Cheese!!!
Do you have anything put out?
I wanna see something Cheese

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