Ban reqeust: XD
Player name: XD

SteamID (if possible): -

Time in GMT: Unknown

Summary: I was walking over the desk of the nexus he tazed me, and he walks over me. but when i stannd up he tased agian and walks over me agian, and when i stand up he tazed me agian.


Taser is a dangerous weapon so he cant taser me 3 times
I told you it was a safety measure, so you didn't run away. Also I said sorry for walking over you it wasn't intentional, I just like to move around is all.
Didn't I already say this? :S
He had a good reason to taze you, you were behind the desk lol.
He tazed me 3 times and he jumped on me tazing 2 times isnt RP Tazer is dangerous
(08-03-2011, 11:21 PM)XDee Wrote: I told you it was a safety measure, so you didn't run away.

If you did this in real life i allready sue you. This can happen if you taser someone at the wrong spot.

Shark told me to do if you have 1 life and i dont like those 3 tasers and jumping on me!
It's just a game...
You should think if its real life
eric if it was 100% like real life I don't think you would be here now seeing people dont respawn IRL...

Unless your Jesus....

But storm said he had a good reason and your just mad cause he accidentally stepped on you.
[Image: tumblr_oo89kx6Wfc1vvng74o8_r1_1280.png]

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