Unban request
Your name: Gastar3

Your ban ID: 51359

Banned by: [FL] Floodify

Reason: Teamkill

Involved: -

Why we should unban you:

I had died by accident so I thought well I'm going to my house to clean out my counter and my drug labs I was at my house and I saw at once an entire wall there to build around. So I asked the genes we had placed to take it away and he said no that wall. so I asked again and he did not do it when it was necessary to kill him because all my counter and my drug labs were destroyed by him and then I made him dead and then he spawned pull him props away and then he is dead to me within two minutes and then I spawned again and I let him live and I got him a ban for no reason.
You should of called an admin instead, not killed him..

Kind Regards,

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