BR [FL:RP]Enigma98 and [FL:RP]Chromed
Name of player:[FL:RP] Enigma98 / [FL:RP] Chromed

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:50281427 / STEAM_0:1:66776371

Time in GMT: 19:00

Server: V2P

Summary: Random Raid - Saying were criminals as a reason to raid

The Reason for raiding+ Sam croether hostaging me (Enigma98)

Their names

They were raiding as citizens too.
[Image: 8KO1g8f.png]
+rep AwestruckBullet for this awesome signature!
You say this stuff about us, but you miss out on the things you do. Funny isnt it
Kind Regards,
It's about you guys not about us?
[Image: 8KO1g8f.png]
+rep AwestruckBullet for this awesome signature!
ok then how come linked was following me around and taking pictures of everything I did then he random hostaged me and then attacked me with a knife and I have multiple witnesses to prove it!
(07-26-2014, 01:08 AM)[FL:RP] Enigma98 Wrote: ok then how come linked was following me around and taking pictures of everything I did then he random hostaged me and then attacked me with a knife and I have multiple witnesses to prove it!

How is that related to this br . stick on topic

Like joram said this be is not on us its on you

Street crime rules:

[3] Just because you are a criminal you can not RDM, random raid or break other rules.

Proof 1 clearly shows that.

Closing notes:
Evidence was deemed sufficient.

Weapon blacklist will be applied for 5 hours.

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