Estleback Corporation
Out of Character Information

Steam Name: Faustie

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:26859943

How many hours do you have on the servers?: 1000+

Real Age: 19

How many RP points do you have?: 51

How many bans do you have?: 0 legit, possibly one or two from admin testing

What timezone do you live in (GMT)?: GMT0

In-Character Information

Personal Information:

Full Name: Miles Faustie O'Brien

Code name: Faustie

Age: 43

Nationality: Ethnically Irish

Personal traits: Down to earth, engineering genius, strong dislike towards lazy people but willing to train those who lack skill, enjoys family, aggressive if provoked

Tell us about him/her and his/hers history: Graduated from uni with a degree in chemical engineering, was hired by Black Mesa and put through a variety of training programs, related both to engineering and tactics, to enable him to serve on the Black Mesa naval ship BMS Rutledge. He began as a junior engineer, but was quickly promoted when his aptitude at improvisation in engineering was noticed by the ship's senior staff. The BMS Rutledge was involved in a huge number of skirmishes and battles, and hence O'Brien became skilled in maintaining a ship and performing vital repairs even during combat, and he has been accredited with saving the Rutledge on numerous occasions. On a few occasions he also had to wield firearms himself, and was capable in infantry combat, but still he was far more suited to his engineering role.

He was taken back to the training facility after 7 years service, by which time he had been promoted 3 times and was responsible for overseeing the ships engines. He was further trained not in engineering, but in command roles, and tactical and combat skills. He did not return to the BMS Rutledge, but moved to a different, classified ship, where he took up a command role as chief engineer. His duties involved him overseeing the ships engineering operations, performing manual repairs himself at times, and spending time on the bridge with tactical officers to offer his expert advice regarding the ships capabilities in combat. Aboard the new ship he made some new revolutionary modifications to the designs of several key systems, which have been implemented in many other ships today.

Now that the Mesa military has been restructured, he works within a research facility, the only public Mesa operation still ongoing. The rest of Mesa has been taken under the wing of [Classified].

Normal Information:

Why are you applying for Estleback Corporation?: I'd like to get back into some more serious clan RP, and Estleback seems respectable with a mix of strong passive and aggressive RP.

What division are you applying for?: Primarily the engineering division, but what role I'm unsure, as my character's history is a little varied.

Do you have any experience in the job you are applying for?: Lot's, due to past clan RP and my ongoing Mesa RP.

Have you been in other clans, which one(s)? Black Mesa, TLH, SemperFi, MoP, Casino Royale, I forget there have been so many

Do you have any reference we can contact?: Pretty much everyone

How active are you on fearless forums 1-10?: It's kind of my job

How active are you on the servers 1-10?: It's kind of my job

Do you accept the Terms and Conditions? Yes

The following 11 users Like Faustie's post:
  • Wood, Jordy, NotSep, Floodify, Von Tempski, Burnett, Ivan Tempski, Tmdirtbike, Blurr, Link, MasterNoda
Out of Character Information

Steam Name: [FL:RP] Jono

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:27711625

How many hours do you have on the servers?: 937

Real Age:16

How many RP points do you have?: 10

How many bans do you have?:3

What time zone do you live in (GMT)?: GMT+1

In-Character Information

Personal Information:

Full Name: Armo Bassetti

Code name: Juno


Nationality: American – Italian heritage

Personal traits: Strong minded, intelligent, helpful.

Tell us about him/her and his/hers history: Armo Basseti was born in Chicago in a large, Italian family. His family had close connections to the mafia in the early 20th century, however all ties have been cut since.
Armo lived a very normal childhood, where he travelled a lot with his family, and was exceeding above all others in his class, at school.
After graduating high school, Armo went to a med-school in the hope to become a psychiatrist. 2 years into med-school, his father unexpectedly died of a heart attack. This had a very negative effect on Armo, in which his determined attitude slowly deteriorated. He failed that year of med-school, and was kicked out. He spent the next few years working small jobs in grocery stores and the likes.

One normal day, Armo seemingly ‘lost it’. He couldn't take his life as it was, and needed to change it. He applied for a PMC known as Blackwatch, which was very new to his area. He spent only a few days amongst them, and realized he could make a company which could far exceed them. He named this company Omega Corporation. Months later, Omega ran into some trouble with Blackwatch, and proceeded to start a ‘Corporate war’. Omega won, leaving Blackwatch in financial ruin. His company eventually migrated to another country, in which he sold his shares, and gave up ownership. He found that the city he loved, known as EvoCity, would be his home.

He spent time in other corporations, learning how they do their jobs, seeing how he could improve it. ‘Companies’ such as Kriegerisch(A Germany Political party), ION Corporation, and has had extensive training with the Israeli army, in their ‘Shayetet 13’ division.

Matured, skilled and educated, Armo is seeking to widen his knowledge and join one of the most renowned Corporations in Evocity. Estleback Corporation.

Normal Information:

Why are you applying for Estleback Corporation?: I’m hoping to join, mainly because I've partaken in aggressive Clan RP for the majority of my time spent on the server. I want to start getting more into the RP side of fearless, and although will continue to partake in aggressive RP, it’d be nice to have a mix of the more passive variety as well. I've seen Estelback on the ‘Field’ and I can say that it looks like a well-orchestrated and active clan, something which I think is somewhat rare for this server.

What division are you applying for?:Estleback Security Division

Do you have any experience in the job you are applying for?:Lots, as mentioned a lot of my time on the server has been spent doing this sort of work.

Have you been in other clans, which one(s)?
Blackwatch (Left due to the clan’s nature)
Ion Corporation (Clan closed)
Kriegerisch;OHG (Clan Closed)
Omega Corporation (Clan Closed due to it’s purpose being fulfilled.)
Shayetet 13

Do you have any reference we can contact?:
Small Bear
General Rickets
[FL:M] Burnett

How active are you on fearless forums 1-10?:10

How active are you on the servers 1-10?: 8-9

Do you accept the Terms and Conditions? Yes.
A more fitting signature. 
The following 8 users Like Jono's post:
  • Wood, Tmdirtbike, Floodify, Blurr, Link, MasterNoda, Jordy, Burnett
(07-19-2014, 03:54 PM)Faustie Wrote: How many bans do you have?: 0 legit, possibly one or two from admin testing

Admin testing? Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

I think we all remember, Faustie the Drunk. Haha.
[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:1:40601685&b=10]
The following 11 users Like equal's post:
  • Faustie, Jordy, NotSep, Wood, Floodify, Flame, ArcHammer, Blurr, Burnett, CorieTheNub, Enzyme
Welcome to the Corp Agent Wellington, Baxter, Miller and Engineer O'Brien, Nardini.
The following 3 users Like Burnett's post:
  • Ivan Tempski, NotSep, ArcHammer

Today I am announcing two new additions to our Corporation. Very much can be said about them.. but with little time you have to keep yourself brief! Let me start by describing our most recent addition... This man has plenty of experience and he got the necessary skills to make a mark in Estleback.. in a positive matter of course. He truly surprised us all.. especially me! I'd like to announce our newest member, Agent Jono! Another addition to our team, but in our ETCD division has had an extensive history in the scientist department.. but also in the field department. He has many skills, many interesting skills.. and I am sure that we will make good use of them. Slightly after his employment went through, he assisted us with our newest base that we will use during the hard times.. It pays off to have a good pair of fresh eyes. I'd like all of you to welcome Engineer Faustie.

Unfortunately I have a rather sad news.. for some I guess. Tomorrow I am departing to an location where I will not be able to communicate with any of you. It is sad to see that it had to be this week, but I cannot change it. I am looking forward to it, but yet I am disappointed at myself for not being able to fight in the field with all of you. You all make me proud, I hope you know that... If there is any problem, talk to the only Governance member Link66 please. He will have full control over the Corporation as of the 21th 12:00 GMT+2. I trust that he will make good decisions, and if he doesn't I am sure it can be repaired. But that is nothing to be worried about! He is fully capable to run the Corporation, after all.. he has ran it with me for a long time now. To all Agents and Engineers, visit the private forum daily.. now that we are in war. Every day new information will come up, about the current situation most likely. Anyhow, I wish all of you luck and I remember.. I believe in you.

Director of Estleback Corporation
Micheal Stanson, Estleback Corporation Founder
Kind Regards,
The following 11 users Like Floodify's post:
  • Jordy, Jono, NotSep, ArcHammer, MasterNoda, Blurr, Link, Faustie, Ivan Tempski, Burnett, Wood
Glad to have you guys on the team, welcome!

Kinds Regards
Community Member
Welcome to the team, I look forward to working alongside you both.

[Image: LkB62ld.png]

Out of Character Information

Steam Name: Just Doge

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:33176801

How many hours do you have on the servers?: 120+ EDIT: So I just realized that I need to have atleast 200 hours (I was writing it at night and I noticed 100) Hope you can make expection.

Real Age: 15

How many RP points do you have?: 0

How many bans do you have?: 1

What timezone do you live in (GMT)?: GMT+1

In-Character Information

Personal Information:

Full Name: Joe Francesco

Code name: Hound

Age: 23

Nationality: Italy

Personal traits: Helpful,Kind,Comic,Intelligent sometimes aggressive

Tell us about him/her and his/hers history: Joe Francesco was born in Napoli. His family run a grocery store. Joe's life was normal as every kid had He studied well and he finished high school. When he was 18 he started working in the grocery store of his family. Italian mafia came for a bribe that his dad was paying to "protect" the shop. Joe didn't know that and he refused to pay. Italian mafia left and the other day shop was burnt down and they killed his family. He had to leave Italy immediately, so he took first plane to America, Evocity.

In America Joe joined Blackwatch corp. and he worked there until the Blackwatch corp. sadly was closed. Joe started working as Security but he was looking for something more and then he found Estleback Corp.

Normal Information:

Why are you applying for Estleback Corporation?: I'm applying because I want to try more organized rp instead of just roleplaying as normal. I have seen you are great clan that I would like to be part of.

What division are you applying for?: Estleback Security Division

Do you have any experience in the job you are applying for?: I have some experience because of the time I spent in Blackwatch Corp.

Have you been in other clans, which one(s)? I was at Blackwatch Corp.

Do you have any reference we can contact?: Sadly no.

How active are you on fearless forums 1-10?: 10

How active are you on the servers 1-10?: 7

Do you accept the Terms and Conditions? Yes.
*A letter is seen in the letterbox of Estleback Corporation's Headquarters*

*Micheal 'Flood' Stanson opens the letter and begins to read, with an inquisitive look on his face*

14 Haven Avenue
United States of America

Estleback Corporation
35 Greenten Road
United States of America

*Letter of Application*

Out of Character Information

Steam Name: [FL:RP] Zan

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:41997088

How many hours do you have on the servers?: 250+ hours on the servers.

Real Age: 14 Years Old

How many RP points do you have?: 5 RP Points.

How many bans do you have?: None. Zero blacklists.

What timezone do you live in (GMT)?: GMT (BST)

In-Character Information

Personal Information:

Full Name: Tommy 'Zan' Piccolo

Code name: Zan

Age: 24 Years Old

Nationality: An Italian citizen since he was born, then moved over to EvoCity five years ago. He only just recently became an U.S citizen (you have to be in the U.S for five years before you can apply for citizenship).

Personal traits: Tommy is a very confident man, can show his true confidence in tough, heated situations. When matters are serious, he can really show no emotion whatsoever and everything he sees, he sees clearly. When in a scenario when he is on his own, he can become independent and look after himself, but of course will try to communicate with his team. He can also reveal his adaptability and is always accessible to a squad. Co-operating with his friends or his foes is never a challenge, as he always keeps a level head and calculates his military (or tactical) position to see whether he has the advantage, or the disadvantage. Tommy is also strong willed and is always prepared to put up a fight.

Tell us about him/her and his/hers history: Tommy 'Zan' Piccolo is a U.S citizen; however, it has not always been this way. He was born in the solitary town of Marina CS, located in the South of Italy.

[Image: 68kLhPX.png]
Tommy's Home Town

[Image: 70i0no3.png]

Tommy lived in Marina ever since he was born, on August 16th, 1990. His Mother and Father didn't come from the most privileged background, and both grew up in the same home town as him. They lived in a small, two bedroom flat facing the Ionian Sea. At the age of 5, he began to attend the Marina de Scuola Primary School for Boys. He was a timid child, and spent a lot of time with his thoughts. He only had one friend, who had a similar mind-set to Tommy's. They both wanted to go to the U.S, one day.

Later on in their life, at 14 years old, their parents expected both of them to obtain the same traditions, and to live in Marina all their life. The thing is, his Mother and Father didn't decide this. The local mafia, the Sacra Corona Unita of Puglia, had a strong hold over the town, which meant nobody could come, nobody could leave. They forced the school to teach the children that the Mafia was a good thing; however, Tommy and his friend, Alberto, dared to disagree. They were the only ones that objected to the Mafia's hold on Marina. Of course, they didn't announce that publicly, because if they were found out they would be... Treated like lesser beings, beaten and kept in cages. As soon as he was 15, he applied to help the Mafia, or rather was forced to join. He was given no payment, nor any recognition. Alberto did the same, and soon enough they were scrubbing the floors and shoes of the Don. For some particular reason, the Don liked them. Under the other member's noses, he slipped us money for our jobs.

A long year later, Tommy was appointed as the secretary for the Don and also his adviser. As for Alberto, he was kicked out of the Mafia and was exiled out of the town, for reasons unknown to Tommy. When Tommy became 16, the Don became extremely unwell, and couldn't fend for himself. However, in his dying moments, he asked Tommy to become the highest of the highest, the Don of the Sacra Corona Unita. The other members didn't agree with Tommy being their leader, after all, he was only a secretary. After a failed assassination attempt on Tommy, he manages to escape on a sailboat.

Tommy's dream to go to the U.S had always been in his mind, it always had been. So, he fulfilled his dream. He came to a place called EvoCity, which seemed extremely strange to him. He'd never seen anything like it. It was too much for him to take in, as he was only 19 years old at the time. However, his manipulative skills helped him a lot. He became in contact with some other people in EvoCity, such as men named Ivan Tempsky and Steve Burwin. These men he could relate to, as Ivan had to deal with a rough childhood when he was younger. The freedom for Tommy was almost to much to handle, as he'd never had so much 'space' in his life. He soon became an employee at a shop, his life was a new life. Economically, Tommy knew very well how it worked, even in the U.S. Soon enough, he was a known member of EvoCity, a man to trust.

Normal Information:

Why are you applying for Estleback Corporation?: I'm applying for Estleback Corporation because I believe I have the required assets and skills to be a part of Estleback. I sincerely look up to this clan as the most active and dedicated, so I feel this is the right clan for me. I already know a fair few members in Estleback, so I feel that I'll fit in here. I am prepared to follow orders obediently and to always do what's right in a particular situation for the clan. I know that I'll be dedicated and always loyal to Fearless for a very long time, as I enjoy it so much. I'm very interested in Estleback and the work you do.

The job position I'm applying for feels right for me, as before I've worked in a very similar position (as a security guard countless times In-Game, a security operator in Mist Security Corporation). I eager to advance my seriousness in FL and truly want to be a part of something important, which is Estleback. I can confidently say that I'm ready to take on vital roles and responsibilities within a clan.

What division are you applying for?: I would like to apply for the Estleback Security Division (ESD).

Do you have any experience in the job you are applying for?: I was in the security division for Mist Security Corporation but only for a short period of time.

Have you been in other clans, which one(s)? I was in Mist Security Corporation (MSD) for a day or two, then I realised that I didn't belong there, so I resigned. That was my only experience involving a clan.

Do you have any reference we can contact?:
Ivan Tempsky -
Link66 -
Wood -
Jordy -
zankaa222 -
Nacreas -

How active are you on fearless forums 1-10?: 10, I am as active as I can be.

How active are you on the servers 1-10?: 9 (difficulty playing when I'm at my Dad's - 1-2 days a week, there I'm active on the forums)

Do you accept the Terms and Conditions? Yes, I have read and accepted the Terms and Conditions.
The following 7 users Like Zan's post:
  • Link, Ivan Tempski, Floodify, Wood, Blurr, Jordy, Burnett

I'd like to announce the promotion of Tmdirtbike. He has shown exemplary attitude in the ETCD and also been very active and assisted us in many ways. He did have an accident with the Candolinis.. if you want to call it that... that put him on leave for a week. However, when he came back he was stronger and more sophisticated that I'd ever seen in someone who just had been tortured and hostaged. Congratiolation on your new rank Tmdirtbike.. Research Engineer.

Director of Estleback Corporation
Micheal Stanson, Estleback Corporation Founder
Kind Regards,
The following 6 users Like Floodify's post:
  • Jono, NotSep, Ivan Tempski, Jordy, Wood, ArcHammer

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