Unban maxikiller
Your name: maxikiller

Your ban ID: 50810

Banned by: [FL] Shadow

Reason: FearRP, FailRP

Involved: Mr Atomic (police Lieader)

Why we should unban you: Case i playing with a police after 1 guy in Blue BMW Try to kill me with his Car when i told for him Stop , after i kill him case i've got a 54 HP , Becase he push me with car ... Next he Broke NLR in 1 Sec he get back sit on car and run ... and in moment he just Exploded with other guy who has goes in front he die with other guy , and i toke his car ant toke his back that car and 1 kid Told for that Mr Atomic demote me case i doing mass RDM , i killing some people with Car and i shooting for all people ! That False acusation case i don't do that . and that lieder Demote me random Demote , His reason is : OUT of Police ... When this Kid has 14 hours playing ! and me 54hours!
After i just punch the Mr Atomic for he demote me , and he try Jail me and i just run .... then i see 1 Unlocked car and i join in car , after admin come and ban me !
Honestly, I don't really remember what happened there. Since it's a while back.
I'm pretty sure that half of this stuff hasn't happened..

Anyways, you ban has expired for a few days now.

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