Unban Request multi-accounting

Your name: Tiwer

Your ban ID: 40238

Banned by: [FL] DoomDude1

Reason: Multi-accounting, ban re-instated

Involved: Me, brothers and admin Tounge

Why we should unban you: Well, my brothers played Fearless a while ago too, and the admins can't know this, it's just a mistake. So I got banned too, because they thought I was playing on a few accounts at the same time. So I got banned from Forum too, so I contacted Soulripper and he was so nice to unban me on Forum and let me make an unban request.
I would ask if you could delete other accounts? and keep my account only. My brothers stopped playing it.

Thank you.

Please clarify "I was playing on a few accounts at the same time".
Hi DoomDude1,

How do you mean? I've explained it how it was, in our house we can share 1 computer right? And brothers played on the same computer.

(07-17-2014, 07:43 PM)tiwerwehrens Wrote: Hi DoomDude1,

How do you mean? I've explained it how it was, in our house we can share 1 computer right? And brothers played on the same computer.


And now you edited your original message.
Hi DoomDude1,

I don't know what you mean, I don't get it anymore Tounge
Can you explain it please?

Thank you
(07-17-2014, 08:39 PM)tiwerwehrens Wrote: Hi DoomDude1,

I don't know what you mean, I don't get it anymore Tounge
Can you explain it please?

Thank you

And now you changed it back to the original. Good.

So, only you and your brother have access to your PC, correct?
Hi Doom,

Yes, I got 2 brothers.
Both they've played it.
But they don't play it anymore, only I want to play again.
Thank you for your understanding.

Tiwer (STEAM_0:0:31574377)
Basjeman85 (STEAM_0:0:53699414)
michael van gerwen (STEAM_0:1:65228139)
[FL:RP] Harry (STEAM_0:1:67053049
Dirt Jumper (STEAM_0:0:68748083)

That's more than 3 accounts.
Michael van Gerwen is a friend of mine ( main account: Jemo)
I know him in real and he was a day at me and we've played together. You can check it and ask Jemo.
And I just asked my younger brother and he had garry's mod as steam gift (his second copy). So he did 2 accounts.. he was 11.... so young and not correct english (reading rules).

I hope this is enough information.

Thank you,
That's funny, since you claim they connected to our network from your IP for a day, yet our system shows they've been connecting for quite longer. Also, the links between the accounts and the story of your "Friend" don't really hold water.


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