Ban Request on Jamie and Small Bearヅ
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Player name: [FL:RP] Jamie / [FL:RP] Small Bearヅ

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:29177355 / STEAM_0:1:29400383

Time in GMT: 16:20 / GMT+1 17:20

Summary: I was a Police Commander and I was at the Villas as bLaT and Nilsson started to shoot at us and driving away. We found bLaT's car at the lake and I arrested Nilsson because he shot at me while I was talking to bLaT. After that I returned to bLaT but I saw behind me Small Bearヅ with a gun and in the next moment he shot but missed me. I ran after him and he shot at me and I opened the fire at him. I was now at the paintball area when I saw Jamie.
He saw me shooting at Small Bearヅ and he pulled out a Crowbar and killed me.
No raid yells, from both!

Evidence: I have no because it happened so fast. If they are real men they stand to what they did.

I Arrived at the scene when I saw you shooting at him I ran behind you as you kept on shooting upon him,

Small bear is in the same clan As I am and I wanted to help him as he was on distress.

As you were firing on him already I had no need to yell raid as you started the firing first ( From the point I arrived)

So I came up behind you and finished the job.

When I arrived I didn't know the situation before hand, as all I saw was Visual Shooting at my fellow clan member.
Not to mention, you fired at me first, I pulled a tranq gun from a far distance and did yell raid, you turned and saw me and fired but knocked me off my shot and I missed, I thaught the reason you saw me was from my yell but obviously not, now skipping to the point where Jamie arrived,

I was still firing at you, suspecting to lose anyway, helping a clan member, Jamie killed you fair and square and then I was so close to saying ".//Ok get admins to check the logs for my yell then" and you left...

[Image: ezgif_com_save.gif] Oh, Ariana. Stop it, you!
(07-30-2011, 03:37 PM)Small Bear Wrote: Not to mention, you fired at me first, I pulled a tranq gun from a far distance and did yell raid, you turned and saw me and fired but knocked me off my shot and I missed, I thaught the reason you saw me was from my yell but obviously not, now skipping to the point where Jamie arrived,

I was still firing at you, suspecting to lose anyway, helping a clan member, Jamie killed you fair and square and then I was so close to saying ".//Ok get admins to check the logs for my yell then" and you left...

You are right. I haven't heard the yell. But where was your reason to tranq me? Srly, not to you, to all: Are you all stupid? I can't rp a cop 5 minutes before I get randomly shot/tranqed/tied.
There was no reason. You can't see bLaT's name from that range.

Ok, I didn't, I actually walked up to you and said "What's going on?" I then saw bLaT where he said he was on the radio, walked back, got my tranq out and thats how it started.

[Image: ezgif_com_save.gif] Oh, Ariana. Stop it, you!
I dont shot on you at lake. i dont hit one at villa i shot in the air an then me an blat drive to lake, i hide behind a stone, got a gun out but dont shot at eny one Cheese

                              [Image: bfgjyf.png]
You just came assuming we shot you without a proof (Nilsson shot the air near Villa 2, they can't see him while they are in Villa 1.), we went fishing and I had my fishing road out he just came, tazed us and cuffed us.
I lost my fishing road ( Not a big deal.) but you arrested Nilsson for shooting the air while you got no proof its him.
Before that while we went fishing he shot my car while me in it I had about 40 hp left when I got to the lake.
You hit an other police officer. You shot through the window and hit him. That's why we chased you to the lake.

Well, fuck it. Close this if you want. If the admins don't fine any responsible on them. But what I want to say is that I CAN'T rp a cop for like 5 minutes without getting nearly RDM'ed twice. That can't be true?
Well, infact Visual, when I RP a cop, I never get tazed, killed or hostaged. On a rare occasion where we get raided and we lose they hostage me instead of killing by a tranq. But I don't know why it happens to you.

[Image: ezgif_com_save.gif] Oh, Ariana. Stop it, you!

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