Soulripper - Random raiding, FailRP
Name: [FL:RP] Weecow

Time/Date: 7/4/14 around 21:00 gmt1

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:15472195

Name of Administrator: [FL] Soulripper


So soul.

Random Raid: You breached our door in, we are having a clan interview being COMPLETELY passive, nothing that we've done before. You storm in with your corleones with alot of guns pointed at us, you inform us to get on the ground. Wait, why? You want to get money 4x500 to all of the corleones, and 15% of our income for protection. You didn't attempt anything peaceful to us you just stormed in like it was nothing at all. Jan tried to talk to you, you ignored that.

You said that mafia is made to do mafia RP: Well alright, so I can go around and raid EVERYONE and ask for money? You really could of done it else than this soul..

Not to mention, the server 'suddenly' crashed when me and jan were having our villa at villa. We instantly get back to the house after the crash and well there you are with your building, not really a coincidence I guess soul. Not saying that you did but after this incident I do personally think you 'crashed' it or restarted it.

Explain please soul.
Involved persons: Jan, me, bowie, lightbeer, maelstorm, eurja.
We were a group of Corleones living in a majestic Villa, a very luxurious one. Big nature stoned walls, a huge garden, marble poles and the water taps made of gold. The cops found one of our shipments of drugs, which meant we lost a lot money (RP wise). The family Corleone was in trouble of money and things were getting desperate. A meeting of the members was organised in the office of Villa 1 and we came to the conclusion that we needed money fast to keep living our luxurious lifestyle.

We took our cars (Citroen 7CV's) and drove to the city, but suddenly we saw a sign with BAR. We we're thinking: This is an uncivilized place far away from city and police. We could ask the owner of this bar for protection money. So the plan was quickly made and we breached in the door, which would've been repaired by one of our 'friends' later, just to make a statement as powerful group.

We've entered the room and asked everybody to get on the ground and not make any supicious moves. Then we told our demand of 500 dollar each and a 15% income of their earnings. We were only there for a few minutes and suddenly a police was outside the bar. We realized one of the guys had used their radio to tell them about it. We quickly ran out and left, knowing the police force is unbeatable. We retreated back home in our villa. It was a bad day, the plan didn't work out and the police spotted us.

A few minutes later a huge amount of cops and SRU started to gather around our villa and within no-time they were inside. We've tried to convince them that we were innocent, but the Don (me) got arrested anyway.

Not a gun shot was fired during this whole Corleone RP. The money we asked 4x500 dollar I just wanted to have RP'ed as in /me. The end of the video wasn't shown for some reason where we left without anything.

The server wasn't crashed on purpose, I would never do such a thing as owner of a server, nor even think of that. Not to mention I spend A LOT of time decorating Villa 1 with the other Corleone members and we're sad too that all of our builds were gone before we could dupe it.

I realize that in the perspective of Weecow and his friends this looked like a random raid just to get money, so therefore I apolize for that.
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Good, alright. Well I am going corleone and I make up that we are robbed by another family, we need money and we go raid a peaceful bar. You could knock on the door next time and instead of pointing guns and demanding, demanding, demanding kindly ask like the mafia would do. They won't storm in and demand everything. They're not criminals. We made the bar for the interview because you took the villa.

I accept your apology but please do this the next time another way instead of raiding because you really ruined our interview.
The maximum you may ask for protection is 2000€, and not 15% of our income too.

Also what do you mean with "we spend a lot of time decorating the place", we owned the place before the crash, after the "crash" you had 30 seconds max to spawn your dupe before we arrived?
As I said earlier about the money, I wanted to have that RP'ed as in /me, not actual money.

Oh I see I did a mistype at the second last paragraph, it should be Villa 3 instead of Villa 1. For witnesses you can ask every member of the Corleone during that time. We were all building our own room in Villa 3 plus a kitchen, bathroom and office. When the server crashed we took Villa 1 since I had complete dupe for that.

While we're talking about Villa 1, you send me these messages:

20:02 - [FL:RP] Jan: Hij gebruikt em niet eens en ik eb dat gebouw nodig voor RP
20:02 - [FL:RP] Jan: De villa
20:02 - [FL] SoulRipper: Daar ligt wat in

20:02 - [FL:RP] Jan: He doesn't use that building and I need it for RP
20:02 - [FL:RP] Jan: The villa
20:02 - [FL] SoulRipper: There's something inside (so used)

One minute later I heard contraband exploding at Villa 1, which means metagame. :/
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How about you post my last message on Steam I send you 1 second after too? Instead of hiding evidence, I said to you in Steam chat: "I heard it" in Dutch.
I highly doubt that, people magically seem to hear beeps when they want to hear them, but it could be true indeed.
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Even though it is the truth and Weecow heard it too it is completely not related to this abuse thread.
Don't refrain from topic, Soul. The contra was heard and if you're so sure that we've metagamed you should have punished us in game. Now the 4x500 in /me's? Well I can say that too, you didn't say that in game. It's so easy to change stories. Honestly I don't believe a word you say.

Basically what you said:

We had drugs, it got taken so we need money so we go raid a alone bar and just breach the door and storm inside and demand everything we can.

Mafia owns shops and casino's to earn their money, they don't just go raid a bar and demand protection money. Not at all, that's what I find very FailRPish
I'm not refraining from topic, Jan started about Villa 1 and the fact that he owned it before the crash.

It's up to you if you believe me or not. I say the truth. People that know me better can confirm that I will never restart the server, unless needed for when the GM breaks. I find it insulting to accuse me of that.
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