[BR] FrostieBuilder
Name of player: FrostieBuilder

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:60410772

Time in GMT: 8:55 PM

Server: v2p

Summary: Random Raid . i don't know what happend , i just waiting for my friends , then he raid me ! , then i ask him give the reason , he said : u have a contraband ! ? , how did he know i have a contrabands

Evidence: [Image: 6nc5CK.jpg]

[Image: kVP7QI.jpg]

[Image: w60wEj.jpg]

[Image: tGNwK7.jpg]
Randomly raided us too didnt get any good evidence.. im glad someone did Smile
                                                [Image: giphy.gif]      
Did you or did you not have Contrabands?

Because Contrabands can be heard, and hearing contrabands is a reason to raid.
he just see my base ,, quickly he warrant me ,, how did hes hear the contrabands ?
Where was your contraband located within your base?
Inside ^

Insufficient evidence to prove that it was indeed random and that the accused player didn't hear contra.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator

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