Unbann xXDarkPletiXx
Name: xXDarkPletiXx

Your ban ID: STEAM_0:0:78255766 / 48563

Banned by: Verzyn

Reason: Mass intentional CDM, priors

Involved: .....

Why we should unban you:
My car was stolen (dead was) then I was banned for 3months I find crass when my car was stolen and then I was banned because I have not gemachts I paid money for nothing. And dan so long I feel ripped off before I pay and get so strictly banned. Only respectively was my car it does not say whether I was. but 3 months ban is already fierce which one would have to blacklist or give way. I think that's unfair and would like'll Unbannt or shorten as 1 week

Donating doesn't give you immunity, by the way.
î know
From what I understand from your post, the logs log the driver, not the car owner.
Haaa ????
The logs say who's driving the car, not which car that killed people.

Ie, if you went in someone elses car and ran a person over, then the logs would show that YOU CDMed, not the owner of the car.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator
Ok , the logs says i have drive the car , My PC are LAgged because i have 2k line. Sry dude a BMW is quickly , I can net brake as quickly.

Sad 3month is HARD.
You'll have to put more effort than that into a request. Perhaps some evidence next time?

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