BR on FL:RP | Greed^
Name of player: FL:RP | GreeD^

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:41161698

Time in GMT: I can't remember exactly when, but it was around 19:25

Server: V33x

Summary: Well, someone was playing music and he just said "Women are stupid and I don't respect them" in LOOC.

Evidence: [Image: EuJueBx.jpg?1]
You have no idea how much i am laughing right now.
May i ask, how stupid are you? <--
A guy had that on mic, and i was just quoting a part of the lyrics.

The funniest thing is that you know i was quoting the song, but you just want me banned.
How was I supposed to know that? How was anyone around YOU supposed to know that?
I did. I was playing the music and RPing a Comedy Street Artist. You obviuosly heard the song beacuse if you could hear the LOOC you can hear my Mic.

Stop trying to fabricate Evidence.
I'm just gonna wait until an admin sees this and let them decide.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator

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