Unban Request.
Your name: [UN:RP] r0wie_47 [OtherPC]

Your ban ID: 49622

Banned by: [FL] Floodify

Reason: Hydralic on cars, should know better.

Involved: A

Why we should unban you: Hello, first I would like to say that I never put Hydraulics on cars, I only use them for building.

The last day I used it to make a sliding door (Yesterday from this post time 9-6-2014). I really don't know how I got banned for that because I was only making a new base with my other friends that day, I got off due I had a headache.

The next day I join TS and I hear my friend saying I'm permed from the server.

I really Like to roleplay on Fearless and that's basicly the Only thing I do on Gmod.

I have over 300 Hours, I was a Donater (Wanted to Donate again) but now instead I got banned from the server. I think this is a Misunderstanding. I Like RP'ing with you all, So why would I do this ? I have a good Reputation on Fearless with alot of players. Thank you for your Time,

You used hydraulics on 3 separate peoples vehicles over the space of 13 minutes. Those of whom were xMattHD, Charcoal_ and jakeylives.

Anything pop into your head regarding those 3 vehicles?
[Image: image.png]

Ted - International Lover: My gear changes sound like Donald Duck
I do remember three cars, 2 Police Cars and 1 Ambulance. they both got proppushed and they crashed. I do remember yes.
But I didn't put Hydraulic underneath the cars.
You had tried multiple times to put hydraulics on those cars within 13 minutes. This was no "mistake" or whatever, this is an obvious abuse of the tools you have been given. Are you saying that you haven't put those hydraulics on those cars?
Kind Regards,
(06-09-2014, 02:44 PM)r0wie_47 Wrote: I do remember three cars, 2 Police Cars and 1 Ambulance. they both got proppushed and they crashed. I do remember yes.
But I didn't put Hydraulic underneath the cars.

Why would anyone even do that If you know you get permed for it ?

I would like to Stay in FL And RP.
You tell me. There is obvious attempts to put hydraulics on three different cars, not once and not twice.. but three times, at minimum. This wasn't some mistake nor where you unaware of it. Now, give me one reason for why I shouldn't permanently ban you from the forum for lying in the courthouse?
Kind Regards,
I am involved via being a player who RPs with r0wie often, and we also share a TS channel.
At the time that the ban was placed, r0wie was offline, so how could he attempt to hydrualic cars?
Doctor Internet;

Developer, Systems Operator,
Data Protection Officer, Business Advisor,
Server Administrator, Community Moderator
He was, yes. However evidence was presented of this rulebreakage, so I issued a ban... while he was offline.
Kind Regards,
Flood, My Reason is very Simple. That's because I didn't do it. You may ban me If you think I am lying but I am not. Many people in this scenario will say the exact same thing as what I'm saying right now, But It would be a Mistake. Mistakes can be made, I didn't do It. I got banned. It's Just a shame that I get banned from something I didn't do. And Again. I don't mind If you ban me, But It would be a Mistake and a Shame.

Doctor that is true, I found out this morning.

EDIT: If you have Evidence Flood, Could you please represent it to me ? Because I'm really confused what is happening.

And why would I put Hydraulics then on cars I also hate it myself if there are minges on, So why would I do it ? If you know the anwser on that, Tell me. because I don't know
As stated before, this isn't an mistake... even if it was, why would it you do the mistake 16 (!) times? Here is the evidence of you trying on the three different cars:

Quote:8 June 2014 13:15:02 :: [UN:RP] r0wie_47 [OtherPC] (STEAM_0:1:72097579) has used Hydraulic on a vehicle owned by Charcoal_

8 June 2014 13:27:09 :: [UN:RP] r0wie_47 [OtherPC] (STEAM_0:1:72097579) has used Hydraulic on a vehicle owned by xMattHD

8 June 2014 13:27:34 :: [UN:RP] r0wie_47 [OtherPC] (STEAM_0:1:72097579) has used Hydraulic on a vehicle owned by jakey9lives

You tried a wooping 10 times on characoal_'s car.
Kind Regards,

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