Ability to Drag Dead Bodies
Title of Suggestion:
Ability to Drag Dead Bodies

(Slowly, realistically) Drag bodies that have died, out of the road, doorways, sidewalks, for all sorts of reasons.

Say you are a rebel, raiding the Nexus. Say there is one guard, and you want to be sneaky. Put on your silencer, drop him, then drag him down to the garage so nobody knows where he went. Or, if someone is hit by a car, and dies, would you just leave them in the road in real life? No, you would try to pull them out of the road (This might also work that ONLY on certain roads people could drag injured citizens out of the way of oncoming traffic, onto the sidewalk). A cop is forced to kill in the line of duty. You wouldn't just leave the body in the middle of the BP parking lot, you would move it to a better position for further investigation.

Other Sub-Suggestions (For this)
The body-dragging would be done with your hands, and it would have to be slow, and realistic. You could only drag it a certain distance, say 10 meters away from the death point. Also, it would have to have a max amount of time you can drag a body, something like 10-15 seconds max. (Maybe there could be an onscreen timer?)This would also have to have many limitations set, and would have to be blacklistable. I'll leave all this for you to work out, though. (That is, if it gets accepted)
+ Support
Really interesting mechanic.
I can see so many ways in which this can be useful for RP.
The server once had a feature where you could pick up and move bodies around. I think it was removed because everyone kept dicking around with it and it caused latency issues.
[Image: P6KNEfH.png]           .       
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Like I said, it would half to have an anchor in the head area, and the body would have to heavy (or movement speed set slow) and people would drag it only for a certain amount of time, and a certain distance. It would also have to be blacklistable.

Like everything, it can be abused, but if we take extra steps to prevent that from happening in the first place.

EDIT: As I was typing this, I was a cop outside the nexus and was CDMed so hard I flew in front of Bank of America (in the road on v2d), and a friendly rebel ran up and said "How do I drag this guy out of harms way, off the road?"
Good Idea!

[Image: IgcIQgP.png]
-Support, imagine the chaos...
This would be bad like Jan said imagine the chaos. Minges would just randomly pick body's up and minge them -Support
Like I said, you wouldn't even pick it up, but slowly drag it, not like a normal ragdoll. I would even script it, just to demonstrate what I mean
(06-08-2014, 07:50 PM)Blurr Wrote: This would be bad like Jan said imagine the chaos. Minges would just randomly pick body's up and minge them -Support

Most of the people who minge are people who are generally new to the server, with low hours, and don't know the rules. So, it should be that you can only use this mechanic after a certain amount of hours or roleplay points. That way it won't be complete chaos, or full of minging.

I wouldn't not support this idea, just becuase of mingers, most of the time you can hinder their efforts, by doing something like this.
Just as the people that keep standing on the road to get killed them self.

These buddies would be thrown all over the map and perhaps into a driving car...


For the chaos.

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