BR on QuAdCorX | GreeD^
Name of player: QuAdCorX | GreeD^

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:41161698

Time in GMT: 16:44 BST

Server: V2D

Summary: QuAdCorX | GreeD^ DC'd to avoid arrest

[Image: 7jnv1e2.jpg]
I have never EVER Dced to avoid arrest, earlier today my garrys mod froze, and it may have been this time, but i do not have any memories of me ever dcing while being arrested, and as far as i remember, i was set free at that time, not getting warranted.
We had not set you free as we had only just tazed you and then cuffed you, I warranted you for trespassing in the garage and then you DC'd. It's a bit suspicious for you to freeze/crash just after warranting you.
Well, it doesn't say disconnected by client, and as far as i know, that means it wasn't me who dced on purpose.
Get the crash log that would prove this then?
How do i obtain that?
You should be able to find crash logs in the folder where the game is installed and should end in .mdmp

User crashed.

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