BR on Rivahl
Name of player:Rivahl


Time in GMT:US SC time 2:30 am

Server: v2d

Summary: So i had kevlar and a galil on me to see if i can be a presidential guard. So i go up the cops and SRU stop me then im talking about howi want to be a guard and why there security is bad then Rivahl runs up (Hes a guard) he then points hi Mac 10 at me and kills me. Then he says i was a threat to the president and he did what was necicary to protect him....Yet he illed me while under gun point of several guns and i was unarmed. If i missed anything it will be in these pictures.

Evidence: Left the most important part out.
You where asked to leave numerous times, from both SRU, and Presidential Security. You did not want to leave, so the president told me to go and deal with you as you were a security threat.

I asked Anonymous350 what exactly happened after the whole ordeal to get the record straight because I was not entirely sure what had happened.
Also, [FL:RP]CorporalCrunch (Pixlemaster12) was threatening to post a BR on me so I had to get some evidence to justify my actions.
The evidence, pretty much says it all. He kept saying that he had done nothing wrong and I RDM'd him yet he knows exactly why we did it.
(That was why we called him a liar)
I was with the President at the time, while they were telling him to leave, and the Pres asked me to go deal with him.

The following involved where Presidential Security & SRU:
Caelan the Indomitable (Pres)
[FL:RP]oye (PS)
Wu-Tang Shogun (PS)
Tekn0viking (PS)
Anonymous350 (SRU)
Kenny@ (SRU)

They were all present and they can all vouch that my actions were appropriate and justified.
I think he is just mad he lost his Galil and Kevlar to be honest.
(It was the first thing mentioned, he is only looking for compensation for his stuff, or to get back at me for killing him)
I'm a witness to this. I'm an SRU during this time when the President asks me to kill "CorporalCrunch" I refused his offer when he then Demanded Rivahl to kill CorporalCrunch because he was a Threat to the Security System and the President. Rivahl then said "Yes, I'll kill him", and ran up to the Elevator shaft Ledge. Rivahl then found CorporalCrunch and killed him. Rivahl is correct by the "threat to president/necessary to protect him". Before the Hit was even hired the SRU Sergeant and the President's HonorGuards where taking CorporalCrunch down because the President refused the "Guard Position" yet he kept fighting to Stay on-top.
Thats untrue i did infact comply with tthe orders to leave we walked to the elevator and stopped an then i said you need to improve your guns. Then the one guy said this deagle can do a lot of damage wanna see. i said no then i said you need to get automatic weapons then was met with gun fire. You shouldnt have killed me even if i truly refused to go down thats what jail is for ok. i was not a threat i never threatened anything.
As a Witness... I don't get it. You punish the one doing the deed and not the one Giving it. Anyways, you say "Refusing to leave" was untrue, yet the HonorGuards saw you refuse and joined the SRU-Sergeant to escort you out is What I recall. Anyways this up to you and Rivahl.
Can confirm, was HonorGuard. He refused to leave the top floor after many attempts to make him leave. The President asked us to deal with the situation in whatever way was necessary. We felt as if it was necessary to kill him because he was a threat to the President and he refused to leave.
(06-02-2014, 07:39 AM)DavidArnette Wrote: You where asked to leave numerous times, from both SRU, and Presidential Security. You did not want to leave, so the president told me to go and deal with you as you were a security threat.

I asked Anonymous350 what exactly happened after the whole ordeal to get the record straight because I was not entirely sure what had happened.
Also, [FL:RP]CorporalCrunch (Pixlemaster12) was threatening to post a BR on me so I had to get some evidence to justify my actions.
The evidence, pretty much says it all. He kept saying that he had done nothing wrong and I RDM'd him yet he knows exactly why we did it.
(That was why we called him a liar)
I was with the President at the time, while they were telling him to leave, and the Pres asked me to go deal with him.

The following involved where Presidential Security & SRU:
Caelan the Indomitable (Pres)
[FL:RP]oye (PS)
Wu-Tang Shogun (PS)
Tekn0viking (PS)
Anonymous350 (SRU)
Kenny@ (SRU)

They were all present and they can all vouch that my actions were appropriate and justified.
I think he is just mad he lost his Galil and Kevlar to be honest.
(It was the first thing mentioned, he is only looking for compensation for his stuff, or to get back at me for killing him)

True I was there (im oye)
So now were lieing in the CH are we i never once took my gun out and started shooting at all. EVER. Thats what he said i did these people are your friends so they back you up at all costs. This guy lied about me pulling a gun out and shooting for you. Admin can check the logs to see no damage was done and i never pulled it out. Wanna keep lieing? Also i wasnt upset about losing one kevlar and a Galil its so easy to get Galils i have like 6 i have loads of kevlar i even told you i wasnt doing this cause im butt hurt i just want you to see you DID break a rule. Also no one was like leave or ill shoot they said leave once then we all started talking right when i was about to get on the elevator you shot me you still broke a rule by shooting me whilst unarmed and for no reason.

Also what he said makes no sense. For example he says "Rivahl then said "Yes, I'll kill him", and ran up to the ---Elevator shaft Ledge---" Elevator shaft ledge is were you killed me no other bullets were shot but yours also how could i have been shooting and running around while crowded at the Elevator Shaft Ledge?
Now your trying to accuse me of breaking fear RP . Im not reporting how i didnt refuse to leave ok. Also its not against the rules to tell someone to kill another person. He knows better yet he still killed me.

"Rivahl then said "Yes, I'll kill him", and ran up to the Elevator shaft Ledge. Rivahl then found CorporalCrunch and killed him."

I'm talking about Rivhal not you. Rivahl said "Yes I'll kill him" and ran up to the Ledge. Rivahl then found you and killed you. Meaning he found you in the Group of PEOPLE ESCORTING YOU OUT. I hope this is more clear now.


Seriously... Pixlemaster12... Seriously.

"you still broke a rule by shooting me whilst unarmed and for no reason."
-Rivahl had a reason "Threat to Security System and the President".

"So now were lieing"
Pixlemaster12: "Thats untrue i did infact comply with tthe orders to leave we walked to the elevator and stopped"
Pixelmaster12: "Im not reporting how i didnt refuse to leave ok."

Wait... Why're you defending yourself not leaving yet.. 3 witness prove you wrong.
- Snook: "Can confirm, was HonorGuard. He refused to leave the top floor after many attempts to make him leave."
- Clowers: "True I was there (im oye)" Confirming "Rivahl post".
- Anonymous350: "yet the HonorGuards saw you refuse and joined the SRU-Sergeant to escort you out"

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