Valid Arrest?
So i need this answered quickly if possible.

This was on v2d

A few people and myself had an agreement with a president that we could stay in the nexus. Anyway the pres left and we didnt realise the SRUs told us they would arrest us. We told them that if they wanted us to leave we would leave peacefully and even told them we had no problem with leaving once they cuffed us. Are they allowed to arrest us for that or should we be allowed to leave the nexus peacefully as we told them we would and had the arangement (this only happened about 2 minutes after the old pres went we didnt have time to notice or leave)?

Thanks in advance.
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Once a president disconnects, everything government-wise should start from the beginning, including his permission for you being in the nexus.

The SRUs saw you trespassing and they arrested you. They can't take your word for it, you were in there without authorization from the current president.
(This is based on what you have told me.)

They do not, however, need to warrant you to prison, handcuffing is acceptable though, for all they know (RP), you could of been trying to sneak in. Nevertheless, it was in their right to warrant you to prison if they feel it was acceptable.

I personally would of just handcuffed you and taken you to a private area for a search and questioning, then based on that, make my decision.

In summary:
It was just unfortunate timing, but they were in their rights to arrest you for trespassing.
The president might change but the officers and SRU dont. They also knew that we had permission from the previous president and could have escorted us out of the building. They Rushed in Shouting at us to get down as if we were a big threat when we were actually helping to protect the nexus and would have continued doing so or left on request. We made it absolutely clear to them that we didnt have the time to leave and would leave the building and them alone if they so wished.

Also listening to the attitude of the SRUs and the things they said im completely positive they would have arrested us had we tried to leave once the president changed
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Ok, BlackForestAdam, several others (Around 7 others) and I all partook in, a successful, raid of the President turned Dictator. BlackForest and I got to the Pres' office along with one other and an SRU hostage and demanded that the president enstated us as the rulers of the city with him as our "puppet" if you would. He denied so we killed him after ample warning to fulfill our demands. After this I changed job to the president and, via a broadcast, said all those who partook in the raid as our jobs were "ILLUMINATI", for the purpose of the raid, were my private security and had a presidential pardon, meaning no harm or duress would come to their person. This was stated in broadcast and to any SRU still with-in the vicinity of the officer. So yeah, in-valid arrest.

How would they know their job was "illuminati"? That would be meta gaming. They couldn't have known.
Well we were working for the Government at that point and they knew the Illuminati were in the building in that exact room also the SRU somehow managed to get into our radio Frequency where we were discussing what to do next. We Were never asked to leave but told straight that we should stay in the room with our hands up. We didnt attempt to retaliate and told them we would leave without any trouble

Also as we were working for the government under the previous president They would have known who the members were as we had access to the nexus and the other Government Officials Were informed who we were.
[Image: B1ry4Eh.png]
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(05-22-2014, 06:08 PM)Venom Wrote: @Jamester

How would they know their job was "illuminati"? That would be meta gaming. They couldn't have known.

Seeing as I said "As I am a member of the Illuminati - I pardon all members who patrook in the raid" Or something of the like.

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