Re-Upload Groddan's Unban request
Your name: Groddan

Your ban ID: 44184

Banned by: [FL] Fultz

Reason: I exploited under the map

Involved: None

Why we should unban you: I have been banned for under map gliching and trying to proppush under the map but the admin/mod did a misstake i did go under the map because i needed my printers and i didnt proppush. The mod thougt i proppushed but i were trying to get up with my printers to avoid the ban because i know i broke the rules. And i got perm banned and i really love Fearless Cityrp! And i learnt my lession!

Im sorry that i couldn't respond to the terms of the unban i had vacation for one week.
The admins did say if you agreed to 50 hours black list from props they would unban you, A question from me: Would you agree to a long black list?
(05-15-2014, 04:37 PM)Kurrey Wrote: The admins did say if you agreed to 50 hours black list from props they would unban you, A question from me: Would you agree to a long black list?

Yes i agree the blacklist.
I'm not familiarized with what you are talking about Kurrey, and I would wait with agreeing to anything before the banning administrator has actually posted on this UBR.

Let me get this straight: You contrafarmed under the map and you wanted to destroy the contraband so you wouldn't get in trouble?
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator
Yeah i wanted my moneyprinter back since i payed alot for for them... They fell under the map
So instead of contacting an admin, you decided to use an exploit to get under the map? How did you plan to get back up again?
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator
i didnt know it was an mod online since i was new to the server + i didnt know i couldnt get it back up because i were trying
Well I am sorry to tell you this, I completely misread your first unban request. I did not remember the situation and from how you were describing it your contraband was stuck under the ground which sometimes does happen as it will glitch through the ground that was the reason behind you being there.

However after rereading this one and Enzymes post to make me double check this you were in fact contrabasing under the map which is completely unacceptable. And I honestly do not believe you should have a second chance.

I have never in my life heard of a server that is okay with glitching under the map to contrabase. So I do not see why you would think that it would be okay. And with that being said I am going to be denying this unban request.

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