Your name:[FL:RP] OK-Bundy

Your ban ID:48372

Banned by: Console???

Reason: Hacking?????

Involved: -

Why we should unban you: Could anyone help me with this? Is this some mistake because i don't even know the point i used a hack in my whole gmod ''career''? It was like 4 days ago, i woke up and ate something, then i went upstairs to play gmod because i had a day off, so i started gmod, loaded cityrp, played a little with a mate, saw alot of these people letting their cars fly and told myself i would come back later when its a bit more crowded so people won't do this so i can enjoy myself in a rp, so i went off and looked for a TTT server, found one, played it had alot of rdm so looked for another one, found one that looked interesting, said i needed to download some content from their site and server so i did what it told me, so it took a while and i downloaded it and thought i would play it later so i returned to FLRP, when it loaded it suddenly??? Gave me this ''Go to flrp...) message, i thought some guy had put a br on me. Then suddenly Slettyyy said to me (by steam) perma ban, So i asked him, perma ban? He replied with hacks, i asked him what hacks? and then he told me i had been perma banned because of hacks which i don't have a clue of.. Could you guys even help me with this ban because of hacks because i am as clueless as you guys are and i would appreciate some help..
I have been a nice member and maybe had 1-3 tiny bans because of small things, i would never even try to hack or something because it wouldn't make it fun anymore..
My little brother has been asking me to put a ubr already for 3-4 days ago, which i couldn't because i had my exams.. Now i came back to have a good rp time with my friends in this server. I am really sorry for the problems that occured with this ban. I really really really can't even wait to play on this server with my friends. I am a decent roleplayer.

Sorry for my bad english.

I even found some files that weren't gmod files, but that were in the gmod files, i now deleted gmod and downloaded it.
Since no one bothered to help me i read the whole ''how-to'' ubr. I read this, ''If no staff member replies on your unban request within 7 days, your request will always be in your advantage and your ban will be removed from your record.''
Any admin still minds to help me please?
This is not a simple and normal case as you've not broken any simple rules which I can question you about and etc.

The system has issued you a ban and I don't know the reason for this as I'm not experienced with hacks. I've contacted our developer Temar to assist with this case.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator
basicly you Forced sv_allowcslua to 1
this is done by 3rd party hacking programs used to enable cheats in various games
(05-13-2014, 02:35 PM)Temar Wrote: basicly you Forced sv_allowcslua to 1
this is done by 3rd party hacking programs used to enable cheats in various games

Cheats like? because i'm not that stupid to cheat in a rp game? would it even pay out, don't think so?
I once used some distance hack for cod as far as i know, but i never tried something on gmod

(05-13-2014, 02:50 PM)Ouassimks Wrote:
(05-13-2014, 02:35 PM)Temar Wrote: basicly you Forced sv_allowcslua to 1
this is done by 3rd party hacking programs used to enable cheats in various games

Cheats like? because i'm not that stupid to cheat in a rp game? would it even pay out, don't think so?
I once used some distance hack for cod as far as i know, but i never tried something on gmod

* Family shared cod.
But it have been 8 days tho, so i don't know whats supposed to happen now since i am waiting for 8 days with a ban i have no clue of?
Be patient and don't bump your UBR please.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator
Have been patient for 9 days already, got a ban which i got no clue off, some people say 7 days from your ubr off and some tell me to be patient, don't really know what i have to believe so don't think its hard to understand my view of this.
When the system says that you used third-party hacks, then it says so for a reason.
I fail to see how you managed to try and change allowlua settings without knowing about this.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator
I'm not smart and don't understand anything about this ''Change Allowlua settings'' or how you call it, i played call of duty with this distance hack thing but i don't know if it has to do with luas. And i also didn't play cod on the day that i got banned.

I got a full map of lua's but i think they are part of gmod since i deleted it and downloaded it all over again. You guys know as much as i know in this case

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