unban request
your name: shadowfexx
ban id: 48613
banned by: [FL] Vauld
reason: randomly stealing a car when its unlocked
involved: nobody was involved
why we should unban you: i thought it was my cab as my cab got cought up with all the prop killing and went missing off the map i have been roleplaying in the community rather well as a chauffeur and enjoy every second of this server

question: in future when someone prop hits my cab off the map how do i get it back?

apology: i am very sorry about getting into the cab without checking i know i should of checked who it belonged to before getting into it i wont do this again
You thought it was your cab, even though someone elses name was on it, and you had to to lockpick (presuming) it?
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator
nope i left my cab unlocked and this cab was unlocked too and i know i should of checked i was too eager to get back to role playing after all that hell that went on in the server like the endless amount of prop killing that happened that day and the nazi symbols all over the city so yeah all that prop killing that pushed my cab of the map annoyed me so much and i just thought that admin had managed to get my cab back for me so i jumped in and went to get out of the city to escape the prop killing spree

i also did not get an explanation or a warning from the admin that day he did not even talk to me it just took me by suprise
and this is my first ban and will be my last as i said above this post i love roleplaying
Why didn't you ask an admin to retrieve or check if your car was under the map as you suspected?
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator
i did and i thought that they had sorted it out but i found out that they did not and it was someone elses cab i waited ages after my request and oviously nothing got done about it all i have done for the last 6 hours i have played on this server is put in to the community driving people around the city in my cab and even protecting the president when the prop killer was on the loose i have helped get a police car unstuck from the ground when it glitched out and there was no moderators on the server and i get banned for getting into a cab that i thought was my cab and did not even get a single warning or even a single word from the person that banned me i have never prop killed never broke fear rp even though i had a demand for 7 thousand dollars (i gave them $4000 between the two players) it was iether that or break FearRP please make sure there is a moderator on this server as it falls apart when there is no moderator and becomes a rubbish server when people can get away with mass prop killing there was nazi symbols on rooftops prop killers and rule breakers killing everyones good fun on the server when there was no moderator to do anything about it thanks for reading and please unban me all i do is put good into this server and community
Well. This ban will be your lesson then, you can wait a few days. Hopefully you'll remember not to get into random unlocked cars, and then drive away. The cab driver was even screaming at you to stop, and you just accelerated away. I'll consider lowering the ban, but for now - this is denied. Don't randomly get into unlocked cars, that's in violation of our rules and is considered randomly stealing a car. Denied.

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