UnBan Hefren
Your name: [FL:RP]Hefren

Your ban ID: 48463

Banned by: [FL] KPred

Reason: BRA (46385) - Racism

Involved: -

Why we should unban you: Well for first i want to say that im not a racist and i didnt want to insult anyone and im sorry if i did it. As u can see at this Video : http://www.fearlessrp.net/showthread.php...ght=Hefren
i said Dammnn Niga is it a Racist word? Im not sure many people think like this but its belong to situation when u are saying it for exemple: F*** u Niga or something like that u use a racist word. But for me when u are saying Dammmnn Niga to Friend its not racist look at this : Among blacks pancakes is affectionately fraternal word, especially among followers of culture "Rap" and "Hip-Hop." In contrast, the word "***" is used in phrases contemptuously criticizing bad behavior or stupidity wspolbratymca. Word is also used contemptuously if the second black man too much toward another White. So at the End i didnt want to insult anyone I said this word to my friend SynysterGates friendly to show my emotions cause i was excited. And im again sorry If i insulted anyone.
Using the N-word is simply not allowed.

Quote:General rules 14. No racism, sexism, discrimination or hate speech, also not in IC chats.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator
General rules 14. No racism, sexism, discrimination or hate speech, also not in IC chats.
As u can see: No racism. It wasnt racism for me and i think for many people in my Nation and others. Cause like i said: I said this word to my friend SynysterGates friendly to show my emotions cause i was excited.
The word you still used can be insulting to many people, and is not accepted here.

Whether or not you were saying it to your friends or not doesn't exempt you from the fact you used it.
[Image: image.png]

Ted - International Lover: My gear changes sound like Donald Duck
I want to know why you consider it racist my friend hear comes from a nation where that term is not racist in fact that term is only racist in the Anglo-speaking nations witch where left as colonies with slaves. My friend might not have known about its meaning for Americans and only picked it up through pop culture. I know him well he did not mean anything racist by it and is sincerely sorry for the potential damage he might have caused. I hope you will keep this in mind and be lenient. Yours Deadline have a continued nice day.
I was the poster of the ban request and in the situation.
Anyway, you were looking at a girl named 'shaho' or something.
While your friend was going "hmmmmmmmmmmmmm" in his mic.
You then said "dam n"
You were not saying it to your friend at all.
There was about 10 people around you too.
Considering there is solid evidence against you breaking the rules regarding racism.

[Image: image.png]

Ted - International Lover: My gear changes sound like Donald Duck

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