New Signature
(07-22-2011, 03:38 PM)Dr. Noobias Wrote: ROFL I actually wasnt.
Where do you little trolls find all these funny faces? xD
I saw the signature, laughed a bit then went to bed.
That was my moment... my moment

Want to know that without asking? Right click on the image and choose "copy link" and paste that in your webbrowser :p
© Nudelholz
(07-22-2011, 09:17 PM)7rozen_7ear_ Wrote:
Want to know that without asking? Right click on the image and choose "copy link" and paste that in your webbrowser :p

I tried like 4 damn images and they all show up as that stupid little box that comes up when you know youve failed.
Did you click: "Copy image source"
(Should be something like that, I'm using dutch stuff so it's translated directly)
Then when you got the source URL of the image place it between these:

I took the URL of the image did in fact past be between those. Ill show you what I get.

[Image: 170.gif]
If it worked your probably laughing... if not that I fail.
(Well... I fail 24/7)

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