Unban Request
Your name: [TTP: S] Smilenator

Your ban ID: 2723

Banned by: Console.

Reason: Staff member at hostile organization

Involved: The senior staff I assume, nothing official.

Why we should unban you:

Before anything I would like to refer everyone to the following thread: http://www.fearlessrp.net/showthread.php?tid=25869

This is my second unban request concerning this matter and automatically the last. I had given enough information, I was ready to answer questions but then the most obvious one came, I answered and clearly said this had been discussed in my other unban request which was approved and got a permanent extension after me getting promoted on another community.
However, instead of actually asking me something else or anything, Killjoy denied it with the reason: "Save the attitude. ", does this mean making an unban request is a waste of time? Recently there was a community which had copied FL, the owner and developer were banned, however the admins were not, I asked my brother and he asked an admin which then said it was because it weren't the administrators copying the community.

Honestly, I've had too many chances which I admit, I thought I was ready to come back when my unban request was approved but obviously something had to come inbetween. I personally don't think it was a mistake of me joining the community, I had nothing to do with this whole drama and therefor think I should be unbanned.

I'm open for any questions you might have, if it's about my bans: http://www.fearlessrp.net/showthread.php?tid=10422.
I'm sorry for the very, very poor English, and like I said, I'm open for questions.
[Image: 2du0a2p.png]
Don't cry because it's over.
Smile because it happened.
Thanks Virus for this signature, I appreciate it.
That was not the only reason why you were banned though. The main reason is because of the amount of bans you have on your record.

The reason Killjoy denied your previous unban request with "Save the attitude" was because you replied to Narcotic whenever he brought up your ban history with "Save the preach"
No, they decided to add the second reason when I had 15 days left on record. The (huge) amount of ban thing was taken care of in the unban request I linked you to, SoulRipper approved it and it had been shortened to 8 months.

I agree I was disrespectful to Narc with my post and that was a mistake, however it took away 1 of my 2 chances to make an unban request which is also pretty messed up for me because it wasn't the reason of the ban it was denied for but my attitude.
[Image: 2du0a2p.png]
Don't cry because it's over.
Smile because it happened.
Thanks Virus for this signature, I appreciate it.
I have one question to ask you, is the verdict going to be decided by the amount of bans I have or the actual reason I was permanently banned for? Would clear out a lot for me because since your last reply I'm not quite sure.
[Image: 2du0a2p.png]
Don't cry because it's over.
Smile because it happened.
Thanks Virus for this signature, I appreciate it.
It will involve both. With no SA team as of right now this may take a little longer than usual do please be patient

User was suppose to be unbanned and with the owner of the community that you were apart of being unbanned you may be unbanned as well.

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