BR on Anal Destroyer
Name of player: Anal Destroyer

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:28447506

Time in GMT: Around 11:45PM GMT

Server: v33x

Summary: So pretty much Anal Destroyer and his possy were disturbing passive RP and Anal Destroyer in all was propspamming weed packets.(The tazer was for them to get out of the store as I heard on of the gun dealers say call the police and tell them to get out.

Kind regards,
Considering the size of the props and the small amount of the props I don´t think that I should get banned. And they were just there for about 10 seconds. And who is possy? That´s pretty mean to call someone a possy (pussy) in a ban request.
Possy is not a mean word at all meaning as in a group, possy of animals...

I use possy a lot, don't get offended by it... It's nothing bad.
Kind regards,
Yay For Vocabulary!
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[Image: yk9I3Jg.png]

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