Ban Nation
Name of player: [FL:RP]-natioN'

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:45648695

Time in GMT: 12.50-13.00

Server: v2p

Summary: I was minding my own business in my black market store when nation came and started throwing molotows at my store wall for no reason. I went outside to confront him then he rdmed me and kept on throwing molotws. He stole all my weed and contra, and destroyed my store without a good reason. Also he raided a corleone residence while he was corleone himself. He blamed me for raiding but you can check the logs ( he even bribed me so that I wouldnt let anyone know about him raiding) => it happened before he raided my store.


Nice Ban Request for raiding. I cant see that u tell here in your half true story that runned with drug labs in your base? So, dont wonder when u get raided as BMD when u run with Contra stuff from the street in your House.

And to my stats : looks hard i know, yesterday i played 8 or 9 hours on the server, 8or 9 full hours... it was sunday and i had time ^^ i played in European Time from 9PM to 5-6AM. Dont know why it doesnt refresh in the time i was comming back ^^ - but in 8 or 9 Hours playing as Rebel with some cool guys and Corleone, its not so much when other players try to raid you and you are the better player and kill them? I think its not against the rules to have the better movement + aim.

I wish you good luck with this BR and i have gave my best to roleplay smoothly, when u start recording in the 2nd half of story its your thing, i know i got banned a lot of times but this time i have given my best.

Maybe we never see us ingame because you will tell after my reply another funny story, i will not reply again, its not the first time that someone come and films half true things and im getting banned for it.

So maybe i can enjoy longer this community, or not. I think my next ban is Permanent ^^ so maybe goodbye.
I don't understand what you're trying to say in the first paragraph of your reply. All I'm saying is that everything that I said in my BR is 100 percent the truth and the admins can check the logs for that. My videos prove that you had no reason at all to raid me, I was running a black market store and I had a sign outside. Yesterday I asked Kpred if I was allowed to have contra as bmd and he said yes if I continued to sell BM goods which I obviously did. You had no knowledge of me having contra, you just threw the molotow and started your rampage.

You also lied in ooc that I had raided the corleone when infact I saw you raiding his house and you even bribed me for not telling anyone about it. Please stop lying it's not getting you anywhere.
Ok i will reply one more time, yes you are allowed to have contras with BMD when u RP like a BMD too. I didnt say that this is not allowed, but you runned over the street with your or other drug labs ( i dont know why u should take your stuff on street and then back in your house?) and brought it in your house. I saw that, thats a evidence that u are contrawhoring and a RP Reason to raid you, it wasnt random.

Thats all. But good that u started your Movie AFTER this situation, so you can say what u want and that i raided u and what? another corleone? nice. Congratz, when this BR will be accept you can be proud on your good plan to do what u want, and bring other players in so weird BR's.

I hope u can understand that there is a Risk to base in the Farm Houses where is another corleones in another house and u run with contra stuff from the street in your house.

See ya
Oh my god why do you keep lying. The contra was inside the "storage room" of my Black Market store all the time. I didn't take any of that outside of my house or anything what you said. Why are you making this stupid crap up?! Angry
Contrabands can be heard when they produce money, and thus a reason to raid.


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