Ban Request for [VL] GamingJayZ
Name of player: [VL] GamingJayZ

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:79968588

Time in GMT: 10:30 BST (earlier for Dictator)

Server: v33x

Summary: Doomforting ,instant Dictator and Promoting agressiveRP.
Jay had become the president after many failed presidents before him. When he became president his broadcasts involved (no evidence of these) "You will always abey me" (His spelling) This is before he changed the job name to dictator. He then continued to make laws such as anyone expect police within nexus would be shot. This continued and raids began on the Dictator, so a new law was added that anyone outside during the lockdown would be shot if they were found. even though a lockdown was not initiated for 5-10 mins after the law was broadcast.
On switching to SRU i went upstairs to the Presidents office and there was a gate on the top floor, we could see there was a gap between the door and the fence (large enough to be a shooting hole), though it could be put down to bad construction it could have given an advantage. Within his office the Dictator had a cage for himself to hide in,so that he would be protected by any raiders/

Evidence: Photos of doomfort Here:
No evidence of Dictatorship and agressiveRP, should be in the logs
well... exactly like you said you have no real evidence to me saying thos laws... and i would like to point out that when you changed to sru to get to me isnt that counted as power gaming? so next time you try to ban me please get some real evidence please. you could enter my protection unit/guard via keypad cracker so it should be allowed. and even more we where getting raided (or atleaset i was told) so theres your reason for me being in there

anyway theres my reason.
(04-07-2014, 10:50 AM)GamingJayZ Wrote: well... exactly like you said you have no real evidence to me saying thos laws... and i would like to point out that when you changed to sru to get to me isnt that counted as power gaming? so next time you try to ban me please get some real evidence please. you could enter my protection unit/guard via keypad cracker so it should be allowed. and even more we where getting raided (or atleaset i was told) so theres your reason for me being in there

anyway theres my reason.

Not really power gaming,was going to switch to SRU anyway (Power gaming would be a gun dealer manufacturing ammo or guns then switching to another job)
doubt it alot.
Ask [FL:RP] Made In Japan the same question,he became SRU at the same time and Toxxis had been PMing me to become an SRU.

Also you said one of the reasons you became a dictator was because of all the people who wreck your experience, if they are really a problem, just make a BR and they can be dealt with.
powergamer alert....
Explain to me how it is powergaming?
because you clearly used SRU to get past my security and get to me. point proven

i need say no more.
As i already stated,i was going to already become SRU. I went to your floor because there were no orders and i had been PM'd about the gate so also made sure i took photos of it.
plus i really cant take you seriously... with that picture.

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