FPS and Kunt Ban request
Name of player:
[VO] Fps zigor [SWE]
Kunt Agunt


Time in GMT: 12.30 paris time up to 12.50. They did it non-stop.


They killed us randomly... They won't stop..
SO get this noobs of the server.
17xRDM thats with the RDM as SRU
and then 4xRDM off-camera.
Kunt said "Niggah" = Racism
Ask all on the server, we didn't do anything.


Ya and [VO] Fps zigor [SWE] spawns and starts RDM and i think he stole this account.
It's not stolen. IT's the real guy. FPS is just a noob.
I was RDM'D by FPS so many times,over and over again I think about 15 times Angry .

[Image: mWosdii.png]
I forgot to tell that he was building on the roof and he was prop blocking! I think that gay has to get a permanent ban.
Request reviewed and approved.

Closing notes:
Evidence was deemed sufficient, as accused player [VO] Fps zigor [SWE] was found violating rules regarding mass RDM and propkilling.
Suspension will be applied for permanent.

[FL] Venom
Server Administrative Team

Suspension also applied to Kunt Agent for racism.

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