Ban request on Syntex
(03-19-2014, 02:13 AM)Syntex Wrote: He was still building and playing with you guys today and yesterday.
You still had no reason at all, to pull a gun, if you didn't want me there, all you had to do was say ' Hey dude we aren't roleplaying or something, can you please leave ' .. a passive and understanding manner, i would of been like ' Yeah sure dude, no problem, nice dupe btw! ' And left it at that.

Show me solid evidence that i broke fearRP and i will shut up and take my ban request and be on with my day, if you cannot provide that, then i don't know why we are still here.

Dude, what does me saying dude we arent roleplaying have to do with anything? It's simple, I asked you to get out and you ignored me, my friend and I needed to keep building and you were wasting our precious time, so I asked a few more times and then took out a shotgun. You can't say I didn't try a passive attempt because I asked you nicely enough to leave 3 times.
Since when is pulling a shotgun out at a lady, and screaming at them threatening their life, classified as ' asking ' ?
you were all talking, If you want to build or sell dupes, you should of had your doors locked, or gone to BUILD server. You are on a ROLEPLAY server, you cannot expect people to know you're building if you have a dupe down, and you're standing around talking. I can say you didn't try a passive attempt, otherwise i would of left the first time. Before you didn't even mention ' i asked you 3 times nicely ' haha love how you just add that lie in there.

Honestly its like talking to a brick wall, there is no point sitting here arguing. Either post solid evidence against me, or just stop all together.
I have nothing more to say.
(03-19-2014, 06:19 AM)Syntex Wrote: Since when is pulling a shotgun out at a lady, and screaming at them threatening their life, classified as ' asking ' ?
you were all talking, If you want to build or sell dupes, you should of had your doors locked, or gone to BUILD server. You are on a ROLEPLAY server, you cannot expect people to know you're building if you have a dupe down, and you're standing around talking. I can say you didn't try a passive attempt, otherwise i would of left the first time. Before you didn't even mention ' i asked you 3 times nicely ' haha love how you just add that lie in there.

Honestly its like talking to a brick wall, there is no point sitting here arguing. Either post solid evidence against me, or just stop all together.
I have nothing more to say.
So are you saying that I can't tell ladies to leave? That's pretty sexist. You really need to stop these bad excuses, I wasn't even screaming, the whole time I asked you with calm authority if you could leave and then I demanded you leave when I took my shotgun out. And I've got more people who can vouch for me telling you to leave nicely than you can against. If you cannot hear me saying that than you must have audio issues in which you should have requested me to type and I would have obliged. As for the more evidence part, I've got better things to do than follow you around and break FearRP just to get evidence like you do. Even you know you broke FearRP on that other ban request, hence proving my point you don't know what it is.
Again, post solid legit evidence backing your ridiculous claims, otherwise there's no point in trying to get me banned.
(03-19-2014, 02:49 PM)Syntex Wrote: Again, post solid legit evidence backing your ridiculous claims, otherwise there's no point in trying to get me banned.

And what part of what I posted isn't solid? I posted the logs and the admins have access to the logs also. You're basically admitting you are guilty but since I don't have "solid legit evidence" you're trying to get a go out of it.
(03-18-2014, 04:11 PM)myfloodify Wrote: I suggest you get good evidence of you telling him to go out and as well evidence showing that he broke FearRP.

(03-18-2014, 04:28 PM)ZedsDead Wrote: Pulling other cases of the accused player and tell us to see that he deserves a ban is NOT how this works.
We look at the given evidence at the current case, to not be bias and always be open minded to both sides.

The evidence you have uploaded is not sufficient and does not show any breakage of FearRP.

You have 24 hours to upload sufficient evidence.

they said it themselves
If I was an admin, I would've banned you already. Not because of the proofs or anything, but because of the way you act. You keep hiding behind proofs, and can't defend yourself against the fact we have proved, in the logs, that you did not follow FearRP. So what is the average below IQ human instinct? To keep refusing.
That's why you're not an admin
(03-19-2014, 04:36 PM)Syntex Wrote: That's why you're not an admin and probably never are going to be one

And you think you will be one just because you can take pictures of people breaking rules? Or do you think you already are one because you think you can break the rules and not suffer the consequences you force others to.
Syntex, I could have been an admin on a million communities in my GMod time. Some better than FL, some worse. But I don't want to, as I know what it includes...

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