Christian's Unban Request
Your name: [FL:RP] Christian

Your ban ID: 45999

Banned by: [FL:M] Venom

Reason:I was banned for sitting on headsHuh)

Involved: [FL:RP | NG-Mod | 829]Dylan | [FL:M] Venom

Why we should unban you: Well, I was trying to get into my friends car when a guy ran in front of me (I was abviously spamming E to get in) and I got on his head. So my friend and I decided we would do that. I got on his head and we started doing a dancing act. Then Venom got on and I asked "Is this aloud?" and he said "Nope". So then I got 3 words into explaining my self and "POP!" banned for a day!
Yeah indeed it was just a accident, we didn't mean to do any of that and will promise to not do it again.Before hand be had NO idea that we could do it. If we knew about it sooner then we wouldn't have done it....
You guys were running around in the president's office sitting ontop of eachother.
Fill out the template correctly.
Christian is off atm so give him till tomorrow and Venom we had no idea it would even happen so we wanted to have a bit of fun while it lasted.Its like a sun and a father the sun basiclly sits on his head
It's complete failRP and you should know that
Failure to properly fill the template out.

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