Skootaloo Unban Request
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Your name: Skootaloo

Your ban ID: 39576

Banned by: [FL] Killjoy

Reason: Scamming

Involved: A lesser hour player, Jokhah, and myself.

Why we should unban you: This will be my last request I'm allowed to make to attempt to lift my permaban, and if denied I will never be able to join any of the servers I've had some of my best times on playing Garry's Mod. I've spent many hours on these servers, and I love them, the staff, players, etc. I've even donated, breaking my cheapskate rule. I'm just asking as politely as I can to lift my permaban. I've spent a long time going over my actions in my mind and I regret them. I've basically been unable to play Garry's Mod the last three months, and if I could get on my knees and beg, I would. I'd just like to join back into the community.
So you're putting little to no effort into your unban-request and you're hoping to be unbanned?

This was your 9'th ban and you were aware of the risks of being caught scamming, and yet you decided to do this. You're the only one to blame for your ban, and you being sorry isn't exactly a reason for us to give you another chance now is it?

Let me remind you on how you stand: You have 70 hours and 9 bans, and this is a very high hour/ban ratio.
This only shows you have no respect for this community and it's rules and I fail to see why Killjoy should unban you.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator
Bro, I warned you more then once that what you were doing would lead to this situation, you also broke other rules that day. Seriously why do you want to come back? You may regret what you did, but that doesn't explain why you showed a complete lack of respect for the servers nor the players on them.
Honestly, I've had to take the time away and realize how much I should respect it. Every time I've lost interest in a game I'd have access to the servers and just screw around without really caring about the consequences. I can't really prove that I've learned my lesson other than pleading that I have and want to rejoin the fun of those servers. Nobody else has servers with the perfect size map or amount of jobs and administrator effort. What can I do to prove to you guys that I've changed and that I'm able to become unbanned and join back into the community?
Numerous bans for various reasons and a zero tolerance violation. There's nothing to discuss here.

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