Your name: serstttnovs

Your ban ID: 45512

Banned by:[FL] Verzyn


Involved:No one

Why we should unban you:Becos it vas not me foult than I was disconected from the server becos my wirles netvork shuted down becos to my wirles router thear was 5 mor people conected and router shuted dovn the reoson for taizing for thos people vas i sav to people fighting than i tazed them to than i heard a shuting thear vas 2 carlones band man 1 i tazded 1 more runed awai than i foloved him then he stoped in shop wear was 3 mor carlones man i thot tht was their base and i tazed them all thear was admin in that shop and wen i write wat hapend my wirles router brouked up

I want to stop hawing bans I like this server I 3 of my bans ar not my folt !!!!
You tasered 6 people without reason then disconnected within a very short amount of time. I don't see what there is to argue.
You were in my restaurant.. Tazed 6 guests of mine infront of my eyes, don't even try to make up a story. Be happy it's only for a couple of days.
a couple? says 29
When he got banned in-game it was for a couple of days, seems like it got edited or I made a mistake. Either way the time he was banned doesn't really seem to matter.
the one of carlone members ho shoted a people runed in to your shop i thot ther was teir lear i tried to tok them dovn i didnt rie to taze you did I
I didnt knou your the admin so and you ivent didn get mi vith that beam so i tazed the carlones members onli not the guest or that shop ovner !!!!

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