A fix in the reason/remove
Your name: Demonic Hell

Your ban ID: 40114

Banned by: [FL] Drogas

Reason: #39446 BRA: Basing in spawn / Doomforting

Involved: -

Why we should unban you: First, I would be already glad if this reason "Basing in spawn" gets removed as corleones have 2 spawn points and I was in none of them as corleones spawn in front of the house not inside.

And probably this one will get denied as I had probably broken the rules "Doomforting" Nobody got hurt or raided me.

Also not really looking to discuss this and reason for waiting this long is because today I was bored and wanted to check my bans and remembered this ban.
You can just deny this as it has already been passed. But I'm just pointing out that I wasn't spawning in spawn and want that reason removed
Kind Regards
Lucifer, your private demon.
Looking in the case. Will be back with you tomorrow.
Evidence is no longer reachable. Why did you wait with disputing the suspension?
(03-04-2014, 08:45 AM)Narc Wrote: Evidence is no longer reachable. Why did you wait with disputing the suspension?

Quote:Also not really looking to discuss this and reason for waiting this long is because today I was bored and wanted to check my bans and remembered this ban.

Also, you can easily test spawn points yourself on V33X the Corleone its the house with no windows at Corleone village. And the props I used why it counted as doomfort was 1 sides props.
Kind Regards
Lucifer, your private demon.
With the evidence gone and the time that it has honestly been I cannot really change the verdict. I am sorry for this, but there is honestly nothing I can do.

Denied due to lack of evidence to change verdict.

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