BR: GamingSwedishGuy It'sasecret10 and stjw35
Name of player: GamingSwedishGuy, It'sasecret10 and stjw35

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:34144655 STEAM_0:0:2109878 and STEAM_0:0:41812128

Time in GMT: 8:45Pm

Server: V2p

Summary: Okay, I was living at the farm, GSG the President decided he wanted to move there, fair enough, I owned the doors for my house and neither him or itsasecret owned any. They wanted to look into my house which I denied since they had no reason, I was randomly search warranted and then he undid it. He tried to build a fort around all the houses, I tried to explain how, due to the rules you have to own all the doors inside your fort. He kept speaking over me and wouldn't listen. Then Itsasecret yet again, as I tried to explain yet again, you can't build around my house. Then he tazered me and tried to arrest me despite I had no threat at all towards him apart from being a Corleone. I was tazed, arrested and then warranted, again I did nothing wrong. I tried to tell them it's against the rules but they wouldn't listen, they then raided my house, destroyed all my contra which I have now lost and my weed plants which I might say wasn't against the laws, weed was legal. I also lost my gun and ammo which I had holsted and never got out during the time the President was here.

Amazingly that was all the stuff not needed cut. I would also like to add these guys have had over 150 hours on the server.


2 videos:

Watching those videos pissed me off so much, what idiots...
(03-02-2014, 11:11 PM)Crashdownx Wrote: Watching those videos pissed me off so much, what idiots...

And how are you involved in this case?
Me too, I was a corleone, and I had the idea to base here, but the SRU and the president saw me, and Handcufted me and forced me to get inside the house next to yours.
They put an arrest warrant on me, but don't arrest me, so I was blocked and they said : "Here it's the area 51".So I support your BAN request on them.
I was there too, I was rping but I can confirm what San_Antinio said he was being held for no reason.
I do not feel I did anything wrong. I was just following the president's orders when he warranted you for a search the second time. It would be FailRP if I did not search your house. However, I am not defending the others on this one.
I have nothing to say really. Everything there in the text and videos are all true so if needed ban me... Rightnow i think im a retard because its true :/

Kind regards Anton/GamingSwedishGuy
Ok. Really all i can do is pay the guy some money let's say 2525+5750+the gun and ammo. idk what gun or ammo he had and don't be that guy who lies just to get free gun and ammo. so about 8275 and the gun and ammo... IDK if the money is meaning anything cos it's really nothing but still...

Kind Regards Anton/GamingSwedishGuy
At 2mins "The President told me to do this" and would be breakin RP if SRU did not do what was ordered by president-particularly with president stood right next to them.

At 0.12 the president says "this is my property now" and at 0.47 he is asked "what's happening?" and at no point does president tell anyone to stop so it was assumed there was no problem.

You were tazed because you were told not to move and you did.

Agreed the President upon reflection may have acted like a "retard" like they admitted but the SRU (as suggested by stjw) should not be punished for following President's orders in accordance with the roleplay.
Seems from the video that the SRU were just following Presidents orders, and by doing that going along with the RP.
So could be down to the President

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