Unban request
Your Name: louisclark_23

Your Ban ID: 45314

Banned By: [FL:M] myfloodify

Reason: Doomforting

Why Should We Unban You: I don't have a lot of hours playing gmod and don't understand all the things that are going on, but I had made a tower out of the gray blocks. it looked similar to a silo and one of the layers I made into a fence. I shot at a guy(I tapped it and shot 2 bullets) knowing it wouldn't hit him and the bullets hit the wall and made bullet marks in the fence wall. he said I hit him and 10 seconds later, before I could explain myself (I was typing in chat explaining my side of the story) myfloddify banned me. from what I saw my bullets hit my fence wall and I assume you cant shoot through walls, but I am no master and I don't really know if I hit him or not. I would have gladly payed for the supplies to get the health back that he lost, if he lost any. I don't know if the admin can see his health bar to confirm that I hit him or he just assumed I hit him. my tower is saved in the advanced duplicator and has hydraulics to get up and down.

thank you for your time
Shooting from a tower is doomforting, and I told you that. Later I got a call from a guy saying you shot from it, and I checked the logs and you did in fact shoot him. You had your gun out there all the time, pointing it on everything and everyone whilst being up in the tower.

Why would you even shoot through a net? You had a net texture and a prop that let's bullet go through, where is the logic? I see no reason for this ban to be removed, the tower became a doomforting as soon as you fired a bullet from the tower.

On a side note, why did you fire a bullet towards the player? He was outside, so I see no reason for even firing that weapon.
Kind Regards,
sorry but I didn't think a older game would have such realistic features. I didn't think if I changed the texture of a solid object to a wire fence that it would become open. I am just trying to explain myself I didn't know.

and I had a weapon out because we had several people prop jumping the walls and I have never had a weapon of my own. the leader of my group game me a gun to scare them off because they were blocking our doors and trying to raid us
Up in the tower? So you were planning on shooting from the tower you built?
Kind Regards,
look I shot two people. there was a fellow corelone member that kept coming over and hiting the switch to lower the platform to go up. I told him to stop and he did it again so I shot him in the face. I don't remember his name or the other guy that I shot at if you could please ask the person that I shot where he was and what job he was doing. when I was in the tower the man I shot at was a citizen. the person that kept hitting my switch was a corelone member that had a high squeaky voice, and kept bothering me.
Right, so an attempt of team killing? If someone was pressing the lift all the time in real life, would you shot them in the face then? Especially, when it is your team mate. And yes, you used the tower to shot a citizen which is not allowed. When you fired that shot you made it a sniper tower.
Kind Regards,

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