Unban Request
Your name: Casia (。♥‿♥。) Vanya

Your ban ID: 45237

Banned by: [FL] Vauld

Reason: Fail RP

Involved: -

Why we should unban you: I'm just going to start off and say that this is my first experience with a role-play server, and though I have read the rules a few times now there are still so many grey areas that I haven't been able to comprehend yet.

I wasn't necessarily doing what I would call "minging" but I was playing around. I was with a friend, and we were role-playing two really mentally insane women who may or may not be on drugs or intoxicated. Our jobs were "vandal" and we were just causing some trouble. Nothing too harmful, we weren't really hurting anyone we were just playing around.

Actually, as I got banned, I was interacting with Vauld whom I also thought was messing about with all of us. Clearly that was my mistake, because he banned me for three days. I personally feel it wasn't worth a ban. His movements appeared as though he was also playing around. I could probably come up with some cunning remark as to how he was Fail RPing too, but I don't know the server rules well enough to do that confidently. He didn't appear to be taking ANYTHING seriously.

I have been RPing steadily on this server for around 4 days and I donated to show the fact that I love it. I haven't been here long, but I can tell you right now it's already my favourite server and I've met a lot of really fun people to play around with. I suppose Vauld thought I was taking it too far, and I do deeply apologize for that but at the same time I want him to know that I wasn't truly there to minge, I was only having fun and I was messing around in-character.

What I also think is a bit sketchy is that it wasn't just me who was doing it, I won't put any names out there but there was a group of us all doing the exact same thing and we all even interacted with Vauld but he decided to ban me and me only, which is somewhat weird because I had been serious role-playing all day and I was just taking a comedic break.

I really do behave myself, I care about the server rules a lot and I was just having a good laugh and making my friends laugh, and it wasn't truly at anyone elses expense. If I was being oblivious to the situation and mistook his reactions, I do apologize.

Three days isn't that long, but to me it is because I have fallen deeply obsessed with FL. Please take this into consideration and know I never intentionally upset anyone, and I do serious role-plays and enhance role-play when I am on most of the time.

I was there, I have seen why you got banned and also heavily disagree with the ban given by Vauld.

What Vauld basicly was doing was running around in his gas mask with a stun stick and as job he was "riot police". At the moment you got banned he had around 15 people running after him because they got (randomly) stunned, and you were the only one that actually hit Vauld. (Your reason to hit him was completely valid).
i was one of the people doing this with her at the moment and i agree that this wasn't a fair ban as 1. Vauld could have atleast given one warning before banning her and 2. the way how vauld was reacting to the situation did not give any indication of an imminent ban, it looked more or less like he was playing around but then all of a sudden they banned her and 3. as if this ban wasnt fair enough, 3 days is kind of too long as one rule was supposedly broken, i really dont think this ban was fair and especially seeming that casia is a good and consistent roleplayer (definitely not a minge) plus more than half the citizens were chasing vauld around yelling at them so i dont understand why casia was the only one banned
Playing around? I witnessed Casia on several occasions, jumping on top of police cars, smashing things with crowbars, for no reason at all. I recall on a specific occasion her yelling at a police officer, on top of his car, as he drove away. I decided that I should RP Riot Control, to attempt to shut down the madness. I gave myself a stunstuck, and equipped shotgun. I stunned Casia several times, with no avail. She continued to run at me with a crowbar, I pulled out my shotgun, pointed it at her, and she continued running towards me. You portray me as "Playing around", I was armed and zig-zagging, trying to avoid trying the mass crowd chasing me. When I pull out a shotgun and tell everyone to get back, I don't mean come closer. The reason I banned Casia, was because she was one of the ones, who didn't comply at all. Several people crouched down after I fired a warning shot, Casia continued to run at me, hitting me with a crowbar. There's a difference between playing around, and minging. Hitting things with crowbars as a "Vandal" is minging.. Failure to Fear RP, running at me with a crowbar when I'm armed with a shotgun - that's minging.
you should have warned her if you deemed the stuff that she was doing problematic also the vandal job name was something we had for something that was happening earlier, we forgot to change it back
Let me just warn her, whilst I'm being crowbarred to death?
i was talking about the stuff that she was doing earlier that you mentioned, which based on yr last post had a lot to do with deciding to ban her.
"I witnessed Casia on several occasions, jumping on top of police cars, smashing things with crowbars, for no reason at all."
We were terrorizing the police and government by yelling at them and hitting the nexus with crowbars because they were being brutal with my gender identity IC and we both had enough of the brutality my character was facing from Government officials (i had a dress on and my voice was more masculine than it was feminine) and she did jump on the police car but she wasnt expecting for the officer to just get in and start driving
I have never, in my life, seen two crazy women who smash things with crowbars in the middle of a city. It's simply Fail RP... So then, when I start getting mobbed by 8+ people, Casia is the first to chase me down with a crowbar. After my stunstick didn't deter her, I pulled out my shotgun, while yelling "/y GET BACK" after she didn't comply, I banned her.
It seems you and I have completely different stories in some areas, because I seriously do not believe that I was minging about as much as you say I was. I never did any permanent damage, and this is role-play. It's not like I was RDMing or like damaging people, I was literally just role-playing a crazy person (which happens in real life every so often, I might add.)

That being said, if you fired said warning shot I /did not/ see it, and I certainly did not hear/read any text of you seriously telling us to back off. One second I was chasing you with my crowbar because you smacked me, the next you pulled out a shotgun and I was instantly dead. There was no room in between for me to not follow Fear RP. All I saw was you crouching in the middle of the street randomly stunsticking the air, and so I got the serious impression that you were joking around. All of us were laughing and talking out of character as well as in character, and you weren't acting as if you were role-playing. If you were truly Riot-Control then you should have been role-playing as such. A person of that job wouldn't be holding a stun stick out and crouching in zig zags while literally nobody was threatening you.

I'm not even upset with you. I don't want a flame war. You know it was all in good fun, and it's clear I obviously didn't intentionally FailRP. You gave off an aura of playing around, we all thought you were playing around. Every single person in that "Crowd" of people you're referring to was playing around WITH you, yet I was the only one banned. You had a crowd around you because you were wearing a gas mask, had an interesting and unique weapon and you're an admin, not because you were being threatened.

I don't believe I was actually breaking any serious rules that would be worth a 3 day ban, especially considering the fact that everyone involved EXCEPT for you believed you were joking around. Your body movement was ANYTHING but serious role-play, if anything I was just feeding off of your FailRP because I knew you were an admin and I was playing around with you.
at the moment there was a lot of insanity going on and there was a lot happening so in my opinion, i think its understandable that she was somewhat overwhelmed by everything that was going on and couldnt make a decision quick enough in terms of rp to respond to what you were doing, and other than that she really is a good roleplayer like she's genuinely one of the best roleplayers ive seen on this server and she's really consistent in roleplaying and i just think that 3 days is a lot, and she said in the OP that we were crazy and heavily reliant on substance which is what, IC, drove us to do these crazy things (but we still had a reason to terrorize the government so it isnt completely based around the fact that substance had influence but substance is what disabled the abillity to decide what was a good idea and whats not a good idea, this is all IC of course)

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