Owner!Admins! Round up!
I Will be remaking the Admin video Some time this week, But I shall be doing in single player, Due to there being more advantages of Tools and Machinima items I need,
I will need each admin to Suggest something they want in there little 3 seconds of glory down below.

Admins ONLY!.
Struggling to think of one...
I think it'd be better on the server like last time :3 It's more fun and we get to be famous moviestars
Think ya' can animate a guy in a Ninja suit swing a Galil onto his shoulders and lean against a Blue Corvette? :F
But I don't get all the tools I need, >.<
I got one for me There's a hoard of Zombies on a player and I fall from the sky and kill them

idk that was something random that popped in my head

That one can be easy to do since all you need is a NPC and just you being the person shooting them :B
[Image: tumblr_oo89kx6Wfc1vvng74o8_r1_1280.png]

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