Is this a joke ?
Your name:[/b] Castor Troy

[b]Your ban ID: (44431)

Banned by: ([FL] Verzyn)

Reason: (Shooting at people through walls, attempted teamkill, randomly demoting, LAST CHANCE)


I hope its a big joke when your friend random arrest me and like 10321453 people then i get in the walls when i respawn where i can do nothing cause there is so many bugs and this is my fault ? Oh and sorry yes i demote people when they are making everyone having a fucking bad experience but you dont ban the people free shooting in middle of the town, NO THIS COULD ACTUALLY BE NORMAL.

Its nice to see that you can actually still do whatever you want till you have a mod in your friendlist Smile
You were stuck in the walls, but instead of maybe using a chair, or asking for help you decide to shoot at a fellow officer and a citizen through the walls. You then switch to president and demoted him because he arrested you for tresspassing.
Did you ever went in the walls ? I was like 50 meters under the city how could i see what i was shooting on ? And sorry if i went to the city i didnt know this was not allowed cause i were jailed in middle of street so thanks a lot !

Men you just ban those cops they just were fail rping you see it know !
I watched you for several minutes following them and shooting at them. They were clearly visible through the walls and you tried to kill them.
I was shooting a flying pistol ... i saw nothing close to a person, how can you blame someone for the ingame bugs
Now you are lying to me. As I said, you followed them around through the walls continuously laying rounds into them.
I just told you i was following flying pistols ... And tell me how is it possible that bullet go through walls when it dont the rest of the time
I was in the same position in the wall and I could see them perfectly.
Maybe u saw them cause you didnt got there by a bug but by yourself ? did u think about that ?
If you can provide evidence that your screen was bugged to only show their pistols please do. Otherwise how can I believe you when I could see them easily?

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